Chapter 33

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It had been seven months now, and Du Fen was the size of boulder. He cried at the simplest thing and threatened regularly to remove the baby himself. Jian Jun could only spend so much time with his growing wife, as he really did have an empire to run.

Du Mother found herself spending more time convincing her dearest son and ger to be patient than teaching him about what to do when having the baby or after. This stubborn child of hers was infuriatingly quick for a pregnant man.

Which is how she found herself searching the gardens for her son on this day. He was not in his palace, nor had he hidden in her own gardens. A guard confirmed that he was not hiding in the emperor's palace, and no one had seen him out in the public ones either.

She was running out of places to look for the errant child. It made her think of the times when he would hide so he did not have to attend his ger classes at home. She tapped her lip suddenly as she thought of where he might go. Ah! There was one place she had not looked.

He was not supposed to go to the training grounds, but honestly who could stop the temperamental First Wife except for the emperor? Sure enough, when she approached the military arena, she caught sight of one very large boy in his blue silken robes... watching the training intently.

"Move your feet more. You are too slow." He commented, gesturing to the soldier closest to him with a frown. The man seemed to be paying attention and dodged a blow quickly.

"You know you really should be resting, Ah Fen." She admonished him with a slight smile. He looked back at her with a tired frown.

"I'm sick of resting. The Eunuchs shoo me out of the main hall whenever they see me now. There are no events to plan. I am bored just sitting around my palace all day." He dismissed her and watched the fight again.

"You will worry your husband if you wander off in your condition though. It won't be for much longer child. Once you give birth..." She hesitated. He scoffed at her.

"Once I give birth, I will have to be a full-time mother until the baby is weaned. It could be months before I can enjoy a good fight. Keep your arms up! Don't drop your sword arm or you'll be open to a strike." He shouted at the end, distracted from his mother's conversation.

"Nonsense. You will have lots of palace maids to assist you. You will have as much freedom as you like." She replied with shake of her head. That got Du Fen's attention.

"Eh? You think I will leave my child to random nursemaids and palace serving staff? You are the one spouting nonsense mother. I cannot leave the emperor's first-born child to strangers. They should be cherished by their mother." He insisted with a serious face. Du Mother smiled at him.

"Yes, you are right. My mistake. See? You will make a very fine mother. You worried before for nothing." She patted his back, and he made a face. She tilted her head in confusion. She didn't think she patted him that hard?

Suddenly Du Fen's face paled and he sank to the ground in a heap. The fight in the arena came to a sudden halt and the guards all came forward to fuss over the boy. His face didn't look too good and his lips pressed together until thin.

"What is the matter my dearest? Where are you hurt?" His mother fussed, looking over him to see if anything is wrong.

"Nothing... it's surely nothing. Just a sharp pain in my sides. Probably just the little beast kicking me again." He muttered. The guards and serving staff around did not want to take a chance though. Someone was dispatched to the imperial physician right away.

Du Fen was moved to a small sitting room back in his own palace by chaise and grumbled about all the fussing. He was served water, tea, given a throw blanket, even tried to be coaxed with sweets. He was annoyed and refused them all.

"I'm fine. You are all overreacting. It was just a bit of pain in my sides..." His words died out as he hunched over again, and his face paled dramatically. The physician had happened to come in at that moment and watched the whole thing.

The Doctor put on his thin cloth gloves and checked the First Wife's pulse. Then he had the boy lay down, so he could press about on his stomach. Du Fen took shallow breaths and waited as the older man checking him got a funny look on his face.

He pressed about again, shook his head, and then did it one more time. He let out a breath and gave the boy a reassuring look. Du Fen wasn't sure what was going on, but the doctor assured him that he was perfectly healthy.

"First Wife, you will need to stay off of your feet and rest some more. This was... just normal kicking. The child seems to have great strength, and you will need to keep yours so you may bear the last two months." He advised the young man.

"Eh? Normal kicking? What is the brat doing? Practising martial arts before leaving my womb? It nearly took my breath away!" Du Fen complained. Du Mother laughed a little.

"Ah Fen, this is justly so. You were a terror when you were in my womb too. I thought for certain that you would be another male... but perhaps this time it will be so." She teased him to lighten the mood. Du Fen sighed.

"How much longer is this thing going to be inside me? If it can be kicking, then tell it to get out already. I am tired of being pregnant." He grumbled and pouted as the others skilfully vacated the room so only a few people were left to hear him.

"Not much longer. You will be very happy when the babe comes out safe and sound. The Emperor will be too. You know how much he is looking forward to meeting his child." She patted his hand reassuringly. Du Fen didn't argue the fact.

"Maybe. He had better be happy because this will be the only one. Too much trouble, mother." He huffed and blushed when he noticed a figure standing in the door. "You hear me? Only one." He pointed at the man who just raised a brow at him.

"If you say so, wifey." Jian Jun teased as he approached. Internally he thought, as if that will happen. He bent down to kiss Du Fen and didn't mind at all when the boy bit his lip in annoyance.

"I do say. You can take care of yourself when this one pops out." He pressed his lips tightly together so the Emperor couldn't kiss him properly. A wicked look came in the man's eyes though and he motioned for the others to leave. The servants bowed out, and even his mother graciously ducked from the room.

"Then I will have to get my fill before that happens." Jian Jun whispered roguishly into the shell of his ear. Du Fen's eyes widened, and he looked up at his husband doubtfully.

"What? What do you mean?" He asked hesitantly. Surely he didn't mean... he would do that. Not when he was this pregnant. Jian Jun picked up the reclining boy into a princess carry and sauntered off with him. He brought him back to his own palace and set him down resolutely on top of a table.

"You had best hold on." He purred, placing the boy's hands on the side edges and curling the fingers securely. Du Fen gasped as he was disrobed messily, and his husband sank between his legs.

"No! You... what are you doing? I am too fat!" He argued with the man. Jian Jun covered his mouth with one hand.

"I told you that you would always be beautiful to me. Now hold still." He replied sternly. Du Fen blushed so red and trembled. He closed his eyes... and gracefully lost his mind.


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