Chapter 28

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"Head to the Dragon Pavilion." The Emperor ordered the guards, and they turned the double chair in that direction before the two of them got in. Du Fen's leg was pressed against Jian Jun's and his heart raced madly. Did he hear that right? He was staying in the Emperor's personal room? Oh my gods!

They sat in awkward silence as they moved from the outer palace to the inner palace. Once the more public area was gone, Jian Jun turned slightly in the seat and wrapped his arm about Du Fen snugly.

"Don't be afraid. I... I like you very much." He said stiffly. Du Fen smiled and looked up at him.

"I know. Your brother told me." He replied mischievously. Jian Jun looked annoyed and raised a brow at him. "What? You want me to say I like you too?" He grinned at the Emperor cheekily.

"Not if you don't mean it." Jian Jun mumbled a little and almost pouting. Du Fen chuckled a little and snuggled into his chest.

"Ah Great Emperor, I would never say something I did not mean, so... that must mean I like you very much too." He felt the man's heartbeat increase and his arm tightened a little about him. A kiss was placed carefully upon his head, and then they had arrived at the Dragon Palace.

The Emperor assisted his new bride down from the sedan, taking Du Fen's arm and practically dragging him inside. The guards and serving staff were shocked as they came barrelling through, as they were not supposed to be there. The bride's chambers were normally used for the wedding rites, not the Emperor's.

"Shouldn't we be going to my room, Your Majesty?" Du Fen asked out of breath, trying to move his legs layered with too much cloth to keep up with him.

"Yes, but I don't want to take you where others have been taken first. It doesn't feel right." Jian Jun said with finality.

"Uh, are... are you going to... take my purity tonight?" Du Fen got up the courage to ask with a furrowed brow. They arrived at the inner chamber and Jian Jun turned to him suddenly.

"I would like to. Can I?" Du Fen was speechless. The Emperor frowned in distress. "Please, please don't ask me not to. I have waited for months for this. Shall I beg on my knees? I will if you will say to." The Emperor began to kneel down and Du Fen stopped him in horror.

"What are you doing!? I never said I wouldn't let you. Enough with the begging stuff. You can, alright!?" He protested with a red face. Jian Jun looked at him hopefully.

"Really, I can?" He asked, sidling in close. Du Fen scoffed at him.

"You are my husband now, and the Emperor. Of course you can have my purity." He insisted, not really thinking about the words.

"Tonight?" Jian Jun's face looked a little crafty and hopeful, his face coming down to nuzzle into the boy's neck. Du Fen let out a shuddering breath.

"It is expected tonight, so... yes. We are married now, so we should get it over with." He was thinking about the accelerated heat and pain when he said the words with a small voice. Jian Jun furrowed his brows and looked down at him. "Just... mother said it will hurt at first, so try to be gentle."

He looked up at Jian Jun nervously and tugged his sleeve, and the Emperor suddenly understood the boy's words. He was worried about the pain, not regretting marrying him or reluctant to let his new husband touch him. It was true that waiting for something painful was more torturous sometimes that actually feeling it.

"Of course, Ah Fen. I will be very gentle. I promise." Jian Jun promised him. Du Fen nodded and then tried to untie his robes clumsily. He had to get Jian Jun to help him with it, and the two of them managed to get undressed from their finery after a few tries.

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