Chapter 4

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Meanwhile in the front hall, their mother was approaching a rather interesting scene as the two brothers walked between stacks of large wooden boxes with the emperor's stamp on them and a rather familiar shop logo marked on the sides.

"Are those from old man Shen's shop? That is where you bought your wedding robes, is it not?" She said with a raised brow.

"Yes, mother. But these are not my wedding robes. These are gifts from his majesty. Do you think he found out where I bought my outfit and sent me these from there because of it?" The youth's eyes were wide with wonder.

"If he did then it is a great compliment. Not only the gift but the fact that he took the trouble to find out what you liked." She said with a sly look. The boy was embarrassed enough at the thought that his face flushed with a blush. His brother saw this and could not help but to tease him a little.

"Looks like little brother has an admirer after all." He says as he gives him a little playful shove.

"Not so. He has never even met me." The boy sulked and pushed him back, even though his look was thoughtful.

"He does not have to have met you to like you dear. He has probably had his spies tell him all about you and your family by now. He must be pleased by the reports." His mother speculated as she began directing the boxes to be taken to her son's room and hallway.

"Should I open one?" the youth wondered aloud as he followed the first box into his room. The elder brother looked eagerly at him.

"I think you should. Let's see which ones he sent over. Mother can perhaps have them repacked to save space too. In fact, it will save us having to order extra boxes when you move." He added as an after thought. He waved a servant over to help him with the lid on the box. Once open, a carefully draped robe came into view. "Isn't that..."

"That's the robe from the shop! The dark blue one that I liked!" The youth rushed forward and grasped the shoulders to lift the sumptuous robes from their wrappings. The fabric was rich and the silver embroidery caught the light with gleaming richness.

He held the robes up to his frame and walked to a glass to see them. They had been sized perfectly to his height and he bit his lip as the deep jewel tone made his face look pale as fine jade and his dark hair reflected the blue lights.

"It's beautiful dear. Such a fine gift." Their mother smiled and hugged her youngest from behind and stared at the lovely sight in the glass.

"Yes. But mother, how should I thank his majesty for these beautiful robes? He has everything a man could ever need or want at the snap of his fingers." He frowned now as he thought about it deeply. Should he try to find something the emperor did not already possess?

"It is true that he may have all the most expensive and rarest of things in his treasury already, but perhaps he is lacking the simpler things?" His elder brother said with an air of one who was only half aware of his surroundings.

"Ah! I know!" The young man perked up, and after laying the fine robe on the bed, he scampered from the room. The others watched in confusion as he ran down the corridors. He flung open the door to his personal study and prepared his ink and quill.

His brow furrowed as he sat poised over a fine piece of parchment. The hand fluttered down and with a flourishing hand he began to write. The words came to him like a tumbling brook as he scratched them to paper....

My most esteemed Emperor and future husband, words cannot express the happiness I felt upon receiving Your Majesty's gifts. The excellent taste of Your Majesty is without equal, and I feel honoured that Most Honourable You has bestowed such attention upon my humble self.

I must tell You that although it does not suit me the best, my favourite robe is the midnight blue with silver embroidery. It reminds me of the mountain lake after the sun has gone down and the stars shine upon it. Of all your gifts, I shall cherish it the most.

There may not be much that You do not already possess in this world, so I find it difficult to return your gesture. Please accept my thanks, my genuine feelings of content as we proceed to marry, and my loyalty in the meantime.

He looked over the flowing handwriting with a faint blush before rolling it up and sealing it with a ribbon and some wax. He looked about the room thoughtfully. His eyes alit upon a shelf of scrolls and pulled a few out to look upon them.

Most were tossed aside. One however caught his smile. This would do. He fit both his letter and the scroll under his arm and wandered to his father's study. No one was there at the moment. It was fine, since all he desired was one of his father's fancy tubes in which to hold his scroll.

He picked an extra elaborate one, with carved feathers and gold paint along the ends. In went the scroll, just as his father came into the room and looked at him in surprise. The boy grinned and capped the tube, holding both out to his father.

"Father, would you deliver these to the emperor for me?" He smiled happily. His father looked suspiciously at the letter and tube.

"What did you put in my finest tube for the emperor?" He points at it with a mock scowl.

"It is a gift! Something he cannot get anywhere else!" The boy announced. His father clapped his hands and smiled.

"Ah how nice. Certainly, I will send your gift." His voice pleased from the thoughtfulness of his youngest son.


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