Chapter 21

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Seeing Jian Jun transform into the aloof Emperor as they passed into the Capitol city was an eye opener for Du Fen. He had not realised how casual the man had fallen into being in his presence. The others fell into a serious and watchful stance too.

Du Fen felt nervous and on guard for the first time since he had heard his father announce the intention of becoming an Imperial Consort. He knew that he had to make a good impression for both the Emperor and his family's sake.

His back straightened in his saddle. He carried himself with both grace and poise that had been instilled in him since a young boy. He became the proud Young Master Du, son of Lord General Du, Protector of the North.

He saw the curious glances that were shot in his direction as they passed in procession. As soon as the Emperor was spotted, people stopped what they were doing to bow to him as he went by. It was a silent measure of respect, unasked and yet given without question.

Du Fen took it as a very good sign of the devotion that most held for him. The guards were ever vigilant though, and it made him wonder briefly if perhaps those in the Capitol were just better at hiding their animosity if they did feel it.

He had been told by his mother that he was walking into a den of intrigue and deceit. He would have to closely guard his person and be careful who he trusted. So far he numbered three people into that circle.

The Emperor himself of course. He had gained his utmost trust with his behaviour on their journey. He had not pushed him into fulfilling his duties early, like Du Fen had worried about. No, He had safeguarded and defended him.

The Captain was the second. He had shown both loyalty to the Emperor and kindness to Du Fen along the way. Lastly, the General who led them was numbered as trusted. Even if he just met the man, he knew the Emperor trusted him enough to leave the affairs of the nation in his hands.

They reached the Imperial Palace gates and when they passed inside, Du Fen had to school his face into calmness. It was massive inside. They had entered into an outer courtyard that stretched on for city blocks. It was filled with groups of people too.

There were servants to welcome them back, guards patrolling, and what looked like courtiers of the court milling about to get a look at what was going on. Women and Ger in fancy dresses and exquisitely made up faces walked together in groups, talking and laughing behind their sleeves.

Many eyes stared at them as they passed, more specifically at him. He looked ahead as much as possible, sparing them only a glance. He was not here to impress them; he was here for the Emperor. As such, he concentrated on staying alert and poised.

A large group of men in robes waited at the gates to the Inner Palace, whereupon their party dismounted. Du Fen was offered assistance from the Lord General, which he politely declined with a smile.

He dismounted with perfect grace and then walked with poise to his place behind the Emperor. The Lord General gave him an imperceptible nod and he felt relief that he was doing well so far. He pretended it was like his father greeting dignitaries, and kept still and quiet.

The large group took turns greeting His Majesty and welcoming him back to the Imperial Palace. They bowed to the Emperor and were introduced to Lord Du Fen by the Lord General. Du Fen bowed as he was told, offering complimentary words to each.

It was awkward though. Some of the group seemed to disregard him entirely, and wanted to rush the Emperor off to work. The Lord General was frowning far more than he had on the way there.

"Enough. Lord General, my bride-to-be is tired from the journey. See that he is comfortable in the Rose Pavilion." The Emperor stated with finality. The Lord General hesitated only a moment before bowing and gesturing for Du Fen to follow him.

"Your Majesty, the Rose Pavilion? There are many other beautiful Palaces that Lord Du Fen may occupy. Why not the Lotus or Orchid Pavilion?" A rather shocked looking man who had been introduced as the Minister of the Right muttered as they were walking away.

"Are you questioning Us, Minister of the Right?" The Emperor's voice was cold, making more than one person sweat as they stood there.

"No, no, of course not, Your Majesty. It is just that... I do not believe the Rose Pavilion had been prepared in advance. That is all." He bowed to the Emperor.

"Indeed? We believe you should go and see to it personally then. Now." The Emperor stared the Minister down and the older man caved to the pressure.

"Of-of course. I will see to it personally, Your Majesty." He bowed and left to follow the General and young Lord Du.

Meanwhile, Du Fen was whispering as inconspicuously as possible with the General. He wanted to know what all the fuss was about. Quite a few of those old men had shot him dirty looks when the Rose Pavilion was mentioned.

"Why is everyone so shocked, General? First they didn't care and now they all stare at me so." He murmured as they walked along the path.

"The Rose Pavilion is the best. Here in the Capitol the flower is called the 'queen of flowers' at the vendors stalls. It was a subtle declaration of your worth, Lord Du." He muttered back carefully so none could overhear them.

Being followed by a parade of guards and servants made that rather difficult. Ahead of them, his personal guards were directing some servants on which Palace to take him to, and it was different than the one previously arranged by the court.

That made everyone confused and run about in panic. Silly, if you asked Du Fen. He rolled his eyes at the mucking about and clapped his hands decisively. The crowd that was unloading his things stopped to pay attention.

"One person informs the household to move. Unload the carriages, then move the household when you are done. My necessities are here, and the carts are in the way, so focus on that first." He directed them calmly.

His demeanor seemed to reflect on the others, and they stopped rushing about madly. Once the group settled and started working calmly, it went much smoother. The General nodded in appreciation. Truly it was befitting a general's son.

With hardly any wasted time, the group was moved into a luxurious palace that had Du Fen almost breathless with awe. The Lord General made sure to point out the grounds next door to Du Fen as well... the Emperor's own palace.

Du Fen blushed at the thought that he would still technically be sleeping next door to the Emperor. Unbeknown to him, the guards and servants about him were truly struck by the young beauty they were set to serve. His innocent smiles and blushes charmed them into silently vowing to do their absolute best!


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