Chapter 8

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Young master Yin trembled a little and turned a shade of green, then white, and then almost blue. He bowed very low, and backed away some few steps to his father's side without meeting anyone's eyes. He felt his misstep very keenly and tugged a little on his father's robes.

"Father, I think you should marry me off to that cousin you mentioned... very soon." He gasped out. His father saw the sweat on his brow and had pity on him as well as the foresight to move him to a remote corner of the room.

"It seems Our bride is very popular amongst the locals." The Emperor said mildly, but his gaze was sharp.

"Sure! He's our school's most popular goddess. You should see the local boys fall over themselves like idiots for him." The third brother Du Gang said artlessly. Lord and Lady Du looked at him in alarm.

"I like watching him kick them in the nutsack when they try." Second brother Du Huan said with an evil smirk. Du Gang suddenly looked sick and unconsciously put his hands over his precious parts protectively.

"Should We be flattered then that Our bride has even agreed to the match?" The Emperor asked in a quiet voice, that only the closest to them might hear. Du Fen pursed his lips and looked away, his refusal to answer like an affirmation to all present.

Ah, cute! The Emperor thought to himself with a smirk. He could not deal with an arrogant or scheming male bride, but a reluctant (pretty little tsundere) bride was definitely okay. He took the young lad's hand and hooked it around his arm, startling him.

"Come, introduce Us to your friends." He said to Du Fen with demanding tone. The boy looked at his parents, then up at the Emperor, as though unsure what to do. Normally it would be the parents who took the groom around to introduce them.

"Yes, come son. Let's go around and introduce your most esteemed groom." Father Du said quickly with a smile. He led the boy and the Emperor along with Lady Du, who whispered instructions to Du Fen so that he might not slip up in front of their neighbours.

The Emperor was very congenial with each introduction, if a little cold and distant. It was to be expected though. More importantly to all those who attended was the regard he showed for his bride by being there.

Even the young Ger could not help but be moved. Poor Du Fen was not immune at all to this amazingly tall and handsome man by his side. A fact he tried very hard to ignore so he was not in blushes and stammers all evening.

He waited until the Emperor was taken to a separate bed chamber with his elite guards to sleep... before allowing his excitement to overcome him and fanning his face furiously.

"Honestly. Looks like that should be illegal." He grumbled.


"We believe it is tradition to take Our bride home with Us." The Emperor was standing expectantly in the front hallway while the servants packed the young Du Fen's luggage. This had been the answer to the question of how long he was to be visiting them.

"Yes, Your Majesty. It is our northern tradition to have the groom take his bride home with him after the engagement party. Du family is very honoured that Your Majesty has learned our customs for this event." Father Du bowed deeply with a pleased expression on his face.

"Good, We will await departure in the central garden. Our guards will help you prepare." He waved his arm majestically and half of his personal guards came forward without a word to assist the servants and family guards.

"Shall I send Du Fen to accompany you, Your Majesty?" Mother Du saw the opportunity to foist the boy off on... She meant, allow the two to get to know one another... and made the offer.

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