Chapter 27

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It was taking hours to get ready. From the moment he woke up that morning he had been surrounded by people who were trying to pull him one way or the other. He was soaked, scrubbed, oiled, trimmed, brushed, and fortunately fed. Each time he had a chance to grab a bowl of porridge, a spoonful of soup, or a drink of water, he lunged for them.

Teacher Min and then his mother followed him about with reminders and last minute lessons. How to hold his head, how to bow gracefully, how to pour the tea, where to look when he was doing this... His head was spinning!

Then he was layered with clothes, soft delicate under clothes, stiff mid robes with embroidery to hold shape, and his waist was cinched tightly with a waist belt. Then top robes were draped over that fluttered about him like phoenix feathers and gleamed with gold threads.

His hair was fixed with ropes of gold and pins with precious stones, all piled onto his head in an elaborate bun. A gold headdress was fixed over it, an interesting mix between a woman's headdress and a man's. Teacher Min beamed at the sight of it.

"Ah, I have not seen this in ages. It was the Second Prince's mother's when he was married into the palace. He was a very beautiful Ger like yourself, and very favoured." Teacher Min explained with a proud look.

"Who sent it over? Did the Emperor send it over?" Du Mother asked curiously, as she had not seen it before then.

"Yes, Lady Du, he sent it over with his brother's best wishes this morning." A senior serving woman told her with a smile and bow. Du Mother smiled and took a deep breath.

"Du Fen, as your mother it is difficult to say this last part... I have to tell you..." She hesitated, but steeled her resolve when Du Fen looked at her with curiosity.

"What is it?" He asked, trying not to move or breathe as they powdered his neck and cheeks lightly.

"It is about... your purity. See when a Ger is married and the husband has relations for the first time... well, it may hurt a little bit. Just a pinch." She assured him as she made an awkward face. The other women and Ger in the room smiled gently to themselves as they watched the uncomfortable conversation.

"Ah, that... it doesn't sound so bad. I am sure it will be fine mother." He said with his eyes closed as someone traced his lashes with black eye paint. She cleared her throat and continued.

"Yes, well... unlike with a woman, since you are a Ger... there will be a release of hormones when this happens. So... so you may go into your heat early... again." She explained with a nervous look. Du Fen couldn't open his eyes while they dusted them with powders, so he just hummed.

"It's fine. I will take some herbs then." He replied. The women and Ger couldn't help but chuckle at his nonchalance and naiveté. His mother sighed.

"Oh sweetie, this time you can't take your herbs." She patted his perfectly powdered and manicured hand. He flinched at that and luckily the woman was done his makeup, or it would have been ruined as his eyes flung open.

"Eh!? What? Why?" He turned in his seat, looking beautiful and worried. He recalled the most recent time without herbs with a painful look.

"Your husband is the Emperor, dearest Ah Fen. The herbs, they simulate pregnancy for a Ger to make the heat subside. A false pregnancy is not allowed for the new wife of the Emperor. You will have to be in seclusion with him for seven days following the wedding ceremonies." She told him with a worried mother's look.

"I have to... for seven days?" Du Fen almost fainted with the news. Or maybe it was the layers of clothes he was wearing. Or no, it was the thought of being alone with the Emperor for seven whole days!

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