Chapter 26

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It was only a few days until the wedding now. The Du parents were staying in a palace courtyard instead of the capitol branches' house under the insistence of the Emperor. His favour for the young Ger had gotten around, and most of the Imperial Palace were treating the boy like he was made of glass.

Du Fen himself was rather exhausted from all the information that had been crammed into his head in the last while. He thought his teachers and studies back home were intense, but they were nothing compared to what he had to endure here!

Even when he did his training in the garden, no less than six guards and servants would accompany him. He was followed everywhere in groups, and other than sleeping he was never alone. Even his trips to the emperor's private area were cut off, since his parents said he couldn't meet him alone anymore.

He shrugged philosophically at that. He had travelled for months with the man, slept in his tent even, but heaven forbid he have dinner with the man in the weeks before the wedding. Insert eye roll here please. He took it as another one of those strange 'rules' that the palace had.

Instead he would sit with his parents for dinner and eat with Teacher Min for luncheon. Even the General and Prince were not allowed. It was not until he happened to run into the Empress Mother that he realised what was amiss. She glared at him and huffed.

"This Empress simply cannot see what is so good about this Ger. Why does my son favour this boy so much? I am beginning to think that it is all pillow talk that causes his current mood swings." Her voice was loud enough as she was walking away for many to hear her and there were a few gasps.

Suddenly the looks that were given to him were sly and thoughtful. He did not like them one bit ah! His brows furrowed and his hands shook in anger at the thought of this Empress saying something bad about him. He called immediately for Teacher Min and his mother.

"Teacher, Mother, I am not sure what the Empress Mother said about me, but it seems like it was not kind at all!" He complained with a bothered look.

"What did she say exactly, Ah Fen?" His mother asked with a careful look.

"She said she cannot see what is good about me. Then she wondered why he favoured me... uh, then something about pillows and moods?" Du Fen struggled to recall the exact words.

"Pardon Madam, may this humble servant speak?" One of the servant girls asked from aside. Du Mother nodded and waited to hear what she had to say. "Empress Mother implied that it was pillow-talk that influenced the Emperor."

Teacher Min and Du Mother sucked in a breath, glancing at each other grimly. They might have guessed something like this would happen, especially with the rumors flying about the place about Du Fen's popularity with the Emperor.

"This is not good. If it is not proven he is pure before they are wedded, he will not be able to take higher position in the court. Even if he had the first child, there may be speculation." Teacher Min cautioned Du Mother. She nodded in agreement.

"Yes, and I do not think our home doctor will be enough. We will have to request a royal doctor's inspection." She added. Teacher Min stroked his chin.

"We should approach the Emperor for this matter. He will have his own thoughts on this I am sure." He looked at the boy with sad eyes.

"I am sorry to put you through this, Du Fen, but it will be necessary for your reputation before you are married." Du Mother said, patting her son's hand.

"Sorry for what?" He asked curiously. They looked at each other and then gently patted his hands comfortingly. It was making him very nervous.

"I'll write a note to the Emperor and have the General deliver it right away." Teacher Min said softly.

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