Chapter 32

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Prince Ling Min sat at the table in a daze as the family of the two stretched to either side chatting away. The closest friends of the pair were at the tables and music played while the food and wine flowed. The bride had no plate in front of him though.

He felt sweat on his brow as the hour grew late into the evening and all that was served to him was in bowls or cups. It had been a harrowing experience to clean himself for this night, and he longed to have a real bite of food again.

Did all ger have to endure this torture on their wedding day? He felt much more sympathetic to all the ger he had known in his lifetime. He rather thought they were a brave lot, now that he was faced with being pushed down by another man. He gulped and took another sip of his wine.

"Don't drink too much, brother, or you will not be able to walk out of this hall with your head held high." The Emperor murmured to him from his right side.

"Yes... it's just..." He gulped and glanced at his taller and more composed brother. The older brother smiled at him and patted his hand.

"Relax. Remember, he loves you. You will be just fine." He looked past Ling Min at the happily smiling man speaking to Yu Father. Ling Min followed his sight and realised how relaxed and happy his new husband looked. It made his countenance imperceptibly soften.

"Yes. I will be more than fine." Prince Ling Min acknowledged to both of them. The General glanced over at him and their eyes met suddenly. Ling Min smiled at him and he blushed a little before looking away.

The audience was caught between their desire to aww at the two, or gag from all the dogfood being flung about the head table. It wasn't just the newlywed grooms, but the Emperor was just as bad while he spoiled his pregnant First Wife with relish.

The gong began to sound through the small hall, and some of the revelers got up with big mischievous grins. General Yu stood up and shook his head at them as they approached, calling themselves their 'honour guard.'

"Great General, let us escort you and your new 'wife' ah?" The Captain called out with a big smile. Prince Ling Min was blushing madly and hiding behind his hand as the guards began encouraging them to leave.

"Next person to speak spends the next lunar month cleaning up after the horses." General Yu stated calmly as he held out a hand for Prince Ling Min. The guards all stopped short and sulked but kept quiet as the two came around the table.

The two left the hall to dead silence, as the remaining guests had heard the threat, and knowing the General... they had decided not to find out if the same applied to them. Emperor Jian Jun and his First Wife both watched with small smiles on their faces.

"Thank you, General." Prince Ling Min said suddenly as they sat in the chaise which would take them to General Yu's home. Yu Zhi looked at him in some surprise.

"Why are you being so polite now?" He murmured to the unsure looking man.

"Ah?" Ling Min looked at him a little stupidly. Yu Zhi flicked him on his forehead with an impassive face.

"Stupid prince. You can call me 'husband' now, or 'Ah Zhi' if you want, but now that it's not teasing you get all tongue tied? Honestly, what are you even thanking me for?" He shook his head as he scolded his male bride. Ling Min held his sleeve a little tighter and put his face into his husband's shoulder.

"Sorry... I am overthinking again. I'm just really glad you said yes, H-husband." His face felt so hot as he flushed after saying it. Yu Zhi looked down at his blushing bride with fondness. As much as this man had teased and tormented him, it was amusing now to see him lose his confidence.

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