Chapter 16

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That day and night was a sight better than the last. The two were more harmonious than before, if still not talkative. It was strange to the others how they suddenly seemed on pleasant terms from one day to the next.

In the early afternoon they encountered a small group on horses. A rather large stomached man sat panting on his equally exhausted horse, with four guards that did not look winded in the slightest.

"Forgive me for stopping you. I am Lord Gong that lives just to the east on your way back. I heard rumor of your travels through our humble county, Your Imperial Majesty, and thought to intercept you for some kinder accommodation on your way." The bloated man bowed awkwardly to the group.

"Thank you for your kind offer. Let me consult with his majesty." The captain replied with a suspicious look at the man. He turned subtly to the Emperor and in a low tone asked. "What is your will sire?"

The Emperor thought about it, considering his group's skill and then looking at his bride-to-be with a careful gaze. The boy did look tired, and perhaps a proper bath and warm bed was just what they both needed.

"We agree to stay at the Lord's residence for the night only. We leave at first light." He murmured to his captain.

"Lead the way, Lord Gong." The captain said loudly enough that the group could hear him. The fat Lord smiled widely, pleased that his proposal was accepted. He turned his horse with difficulty and proceeded to go back the way they had come down the road.

Du Fen wanted to snigger at the way the fat Lord rode his horse, as though he was about to topple from the back at any second. He exchanged a silent look with the Emperor, whereupon both smiled secretively and looked away with nonchalance.

It took them the better part of the rest of the afternoon to reach Lord Gong's estate, and they were weary from both the trip and the formalities that were forced upon them the moment they walked their horses in the gate.

The men and women of the household lined up and bowed and scraped before the guests. The servants swarmed them with gifts and bowing, and cheers for the Emperor's safe travels. They were led to the main house and introduced to every member of the Lord's family.

"Do you have to deal with this every time you go out?" Du Fen whispered carefully from just behind the Emperor's elbow. His eyes were wide at the effusive praise and attention that the family showed him. The grovelling was enough to make him sneer.

The Emperor did not change his impassive look but shot the boy a meaningful look. Du Fen nodded thoughtfully and followed the entourage as they were finally led to their accommodations at the request of the Emperor.

"Hot baths for all of my traveling companions." He stated without preamble. "And hot food within two hours." He waved a hand and the household seemed to scurry about to fulfill his requests.

"Your men may use the bathing house at the barracks for their baths, Your Imperial Majesty. This lowly servant will have someone take them over to it now if that is acceptable." The fat Lord bowed for the nth time.

"Suitable. Private baths for us, however." Jian Jun replied impassively. The Lord's servant came and led the guards to the bath house, but only half of them went.

"Why do only half of your men go, Your Imperial Majesty?" The Lord seemed confused. "Do they not want to bathe?" He pointed to the remaining men. The guards looked over at him like he was stupid.

"My men never leave me completely alone, Lord Gong. Do not take it personally." Jian Jun replied as he sat to wait for his private bath. Du Fen thought back to when he was visiting their family.

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