Chapter 24

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The Emperor later on that week was working in his offices, and was currently checking over the preparations for his wedding carefully. He did not want any more choices to be made without regard for his bride-to-be's status.

That his Ministers would suggest to put the youth in the Lotus or Orchid Pavilions showed they did not think much of his wedding with the Ger. Probably they expected it to be a marriage of alliance or friendship and nothing more.

The more he thought on the matter though, the more he knew what he felt for the Lord Du Fen these days had grown over the months they travelled together. If not, he might have just indulged his lust for the boy and left him as an Imperial Concubine only.

For the youth to be eligible for a much higher seat, he must come to the Imperial Palace in a pure state. No Minister may be allowed to question his purity or the origins of his offspring. He might even need to be subjected to a testing before the wedding, one that Jian Jun despised.

He shook off his dark thoughts and turned to the plans before him. He made a note next to a few columns and struck out a few lines here and there as he went. His brother was cringing a little as he watched from the door.

"Imperial Brother, do you not approve of the plans for your wedding? The Ministers and I have worked hard in your absence." He said with a casual grace, bowing before the desk when the Emperor looked up at him.

"Not all of them. You have done well in my absence though. What shall your reward be?" He grinned at the man who looked so much like him to be instantly taken as immediate family. The Emperor's brother pretended to think on it and shrugged.

"I can't think of anything at the moment. Hold my reward for later, shall you?" He suggested with a glint in his eye. Jian Jun knew how his devious brother's mind worked, and nodded graciously.

"What brings you here? I thought you would escape now that I am returned to do all the work." He commented dryly as his brother sprawled inelegantly on the bench across from him.

"Your mother is complaining that you are ignoring her. Since she can't see you, she has been pouring her sorrows into my ears. Would you deal with her?" His brother complained as he sat there. Jian Jun rolled his eyes internally. Of course he would come to see him if it were to rid himself of a nuisance.

"I am ignoring her because she caused trouble with my bride-to-be. She can wait a little longer. I may see her for dinner, since Lord Du Fen is welcoming his parents to the Capitol tonight." He mentioned casually.

"Is that right? You know, if I didn't know any better... I'd think you really like this Ger." His brother teased. To his surprise, the elder brother did not protest. His silence was rather an affirmation of his affections. "Ah! You do! You like him!"

"Quit pointing at me like a dancing monkey. I am allowed to like someone." The Emperor replied with a scowl.

"But... but you haven't liked anyone before! And... and it's a little ger boy! This is great news, great news indeed." He sat up on the bench and leaned towards him with a look of delight.

"You keep it to yourself. For now, at least. The youth has enough troubles in the palace at the moment." Jian Jun warned him with a look. The brother sat back and nodded with a thoughtful face.

"Hmm. Yes. Imperial Mother. She is trouble alright. Well, I will do what I can to help the lad if you really like him." He stroked his chin and slapped his thighs decisively.

"I would appreciate it if you would keep an eye out for him. He is a bit... innocent." Jian Jun stated with a sigh. The Emperor's brother grinned and nodded.

"Of course."


Later that night, the Empress Mother was left to wait outside the Dragon Pavilion for far longer than was polite before being allowed inside for dinner. She was not invited to the inner rooms as Du Fen had been, and had not seen them again since her son moved in.

Instead she was taken to the outer dining room for the meal, where the Emperor still wore his court robes and sat with a cold look upon his face. She hesitated for a second at the strange attitude of her son.

"Imperial Majesty, why do you ignore your Empress Mother?" She went straight to the matter with a frown. "You are gone for months and do not see me when you return?"

"Indeed, We had heard you were too busy." He replied with a raised brow, she missed the dangerous look within his eyes.

"Too busy? No, who said I was too busy for my son?" She protested, her brows scrunched in confusion.

"No? Too busy to meet your future son-in-law, so too busy to meet your son." His voice dropped down with displeasure. She realised her mistake, but was angry that she was forced by him.

"Ah, Imperial Majesty, that is two different matters. You are my son. Never too busy to see you. I missed you a lot." She argued with a wave of her decorative fan. He snorted.

"Not two different matters to me. Adjust your mind to bend in his favour or you will lose mine." The threat spilled from his lips with such finality that the Empress sweat in fear. She was forced to regard him closely.

He was really upset, ah! She had never seen him pay attention to anyone like this before. It was really dangerous for her. She didn't like this look on her son's face at all. To cover her confusion though, she smiled and nodded her head.

"Yes, yes. My mistake son. I didn't know you favoured this Ger forced upon you. I will look to his comfort in the future." She assured insincerely. The Emperor was not a fool though. He didn't believe her.

"I hope so. I have already had to replace some of his teachers set by you. Be very careful you do not misstep during the wedding, Mother. You will find yourself out in the cold." He uttered with narrowed eyes. She gulped.

He waved her to sit, and she reluctantly sat to join him at the table. It was unfortunate that the Emperor's chefs were so very talented, but she had not much appetite at all.


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