Chapter 25

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"Teacher Min, if I am not permitted at court, why must I learn all the policies and politics?" Du Fen asked this day with an aggrieved air. The old man chuckled and patted his belly while he sat nearby.

"Because Little Fen, if the great emperor should ever fall ill, you may be required to take his place for a time in the court meetings. It is the burden of being a male, but not a man." He commented with a sly smile.

"Oi! Who are you saying is not a man? I am a man. Just because I have a few extra bits means nothing." Du Fen complained with a scowl. Teacher Min nodded lazily.

"Sure, sure. That is why you must keep studying then. Stop complaining and read the ledgers. If you are a man, then you must study like a man." He coaxed the boy languidly. Du Fen sniffed and frowned at the big, dusty books. He sighed and kept reading.

"Greetings to Teacher Min and Lord Du Fen, this General comes to see the emperor's bride-to-be." The voice came from the open door and they both looked over to see General Yu and a new person.

"Greetings to Lord General Yu. Who is this you have brought over?" Lord Du Fen asked with a smile and bow. The man who entered was smiling and it made Du Fen's heart stutter a beat. He looked a lot like the Emperor ah!

"Greetings to Teacher Min and Lord Du Fen, if I may I introduce myself, I am the emperor's brother Prince Ling Min." The stranger replied, nodding graciously to them both. Du Fen's eyes widened and he bowed respectfully over the ledger.

"Greetings to Prince Ling Min. Thank you for coming to see this humble one." He said, looking away from that face that resembled his husband-to-be's so much. A bit of a blush coloured his cheeks as he thought of the man now.

"Yes, yes. Enough with all the pleasantries. Too many 'greetings' and not enough substance. Tell me, Teacher Min, how is Lord Du Fen coming along with his studies? The parents have arrived and the wedding is coming soon now." He replied somewhat flippantly, rubbing his hands together.

General Yu rolled his eyes and smacked the back of his head in irritation. The prince flinched and grinned over at him. Du Fen was now wide eyed at the two of them. He exchanged a glance with Teacher Min, who looked resigned.

"Don't be rude Prince Ling Min. Apologies Lord Du Fen. His highness is lacking somewhat in manners due to his own feelings of self importance." General Yu said with a small bow. Du Fen waved him off, not really sure what to say to him anyways.

"It's fine, General Yu. Little Fen is doing quite amazingly well. He has already finished his History and Etiquette lessons. We are working on Arithmetic and Literature. I believe we are ahead of schedule." Teacher Min said with a proud look at the boy. Du Fen blushed at the implied complement.

"Good, good. Your parents are settled in well, Lord Du Fen?" Prince Ling Min asked with a bland smile.

"Yes your highness. They are doing very well. The palace has been very generous in accommodating them." He replied with a confused look.

"Excellent, excellent. Now for the purpose of my visit... my brother loves you." He leaned onto the desk with a devilish wide grin and Du Fen leaned back with an alarmed look.

"Ling MIN!" General Yu shouted suddenly. His face was thunderous and he brandished a finger at him threateningly. "You...!"

"What!? I am doing my idiot brother a favour! If we left it to him he would run around in circles for years before saying anything." He tossed over his shoulder at the man with an innocent look.

Teacher Min was chortling from his seat and Du Fen was blushing madly as the two men began to argue about the revelation. General Yu said to mind his own business. Prince Ling Min insisted that it was his business because his brother had asked him to watch the Lord Du Fen for him.

"Ah... It's... it's fine. Please... please stop arguing." Lord Du Fen said with a complicated look. He waved his hand and the two seemed to realise what they were doing and turned to him in silence.

"So anyways, before this guy interrupted I was going to tell you that I will be another ally in the palace from now on. If the General or my brother isn't around, you can find me for assistance. Okay?" Prince Ling Min smiled at the distracted looking Lord Du Fen.

"Uh... okay?" He replied a bit stupidly. The Prince tsked and shook his head with a frown.

"Teacher Min, haven't you taught him anything about palace intrigue yet?" He admonished him. The General folded his arms across his chest.

"Don't insult Teacher Min." He said warningly. The Prince pointed at himself with raised brows.

"Who? Me? I am just saying, the boy just agreed like that. Next time, Little Fen, you gotta ask why. Got it?" He shot back. Du Fen felt like his head was spinning.

"Why?" He uttered with a tilted head.

"Exactly. You have to question everyone. You never know who might wish you ill in secret." Prince Ling Min replied with satisfaction.

"Oh, well do you?" He asked faintly. The prince laughed at him.

"Silly child, I'm not going to tell you if I do. You just have to think about my motives to yourself. Ask the question 'why' whenever someone says or does something to you." He rejoined, still snickering.

"Is it... because you have a good relationship with your brother?" He asked ingeniously. Prince Ling Min looked a bit startled.

"Well, yes I suppose it is." He muttered faintly back. Du Fen beamed a big smile at him then, and he was shocked mute.

"That's good then. I can understand that. It's good he has a family member he can rely on." The boy had all three of them shocked with the pure response. Inwardly they all were nodding to themselves sagely after they got over it.

They looked at the boy who was smiling over the ledger and thought to themselves, this boy will be very good for him.


As they were leaving the room, Prince Ling Min glanced over at the General who was deep in thought. He smiled to himself as he thought about just now himself. They really did bicker like an old married couple, now if only...

"What are you thinking about with that gross grin on your face?" The General asked with a frown in his direction. It was his experience that the prince's grins led to nothing but trouble.

"I was thinking about what kind of rewards I would like. Maybe we could go to the wedding dressed in couples' robes?" He suggested with a leisurely smile. The General shook his head.

"No. You must wear your royal robes and I must wear the dress robes of the Imperial Army. You know this. I refuse." He pronounced with finality. Prince Ling min nodded as though he thought that might be the case.

"Yes, yes. That won't work. Oh, how about if... you just be my date? You could sit next to me at the banquet and such." He then offered. The General hesitated and bit his lip.

"You are of higher station... and it would not do to have a male date for the prince at his brother's wedding. Ger is fine, but you know people are not so willing with full males." He looked down at the words, the frown making Prince Ling Min feel melancholy too.

"Then how about you just sneak into my room after the banquet is over." He leaned in to whisper in the man's ear, making the General start and blush at the words. General Yu rubbed his ear uncomfortably and glared at the prince.

"You... what are you thinking about?" He growled at the man who was grinning cheekily at him.

"Is that a no?" He rejoined without losing his smile. The General scoffed at him and turned on his heel to storm away. "Hmm, I think that was a no. That makes three refusals my dear General." The prince whistled happily to himself as he wandered off.


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