Chapter 18

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"Are you alright, Du Fen?" Jian Jun asked with a soft voice when they were a distance away from the manor. The guards were gathering their things to leave in a rush, and some of his own men had taken the tents up the road a bit to pitch them in a nearby farmer's field.

"Y-yes Your Majesty. I am fine." He replied with a blush. He was more than fine, actually. He was quite relieved that his husband-to-be was so willing to defend him against such insults.

"'Jian Jun.'" The Emperor said. Du Fen looked at him curiously. "You are supposed to call me 'Jian Jun' when we are alone." He insisted. Du Fen blushed harder at the words. He nodded, slightly tongue tied. The Emperor tipped his head up to look at him. "Say it."

"J-jian Jun." He whispered, his heart pounding so hard it made him dizzy. The Emperor smiled down at him and leaned forward to peck a soft kiss on his lips.

"Perfect. Let's have a bit of shaved meat before we head to bed. I didn't get enough to eat." He stated with a saddened air. He pulled a rather shell-shocked Du Fen along the road behind him as he looked for someone who could get him food.

"Uhm, thank you... Your... uh, I mean... Jian Jun." Du Fen spluttered as they hurried about. The Emperor waved his hand as though it was nothing.

"Of course. I would never let such lowly people insult my bride-to-be. Those ugly girls are nothing compared to my beautiful bride-to-be. The nerve of that fat Lord Gong is astounding!" Jian Jun rambled on as he walked. He didn't realise the impact his words were having on the poor boy he was dragging around.

"You... you find me b-beautiful?" He asked so quietly that the larger man almost didn't catch it. Jian Jun stopped and turned back to him.

"Of course." He said shortly. He realised the youth looked winded and let go of his hand. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to pull you about. I'll be right back." The Emperor stormed over to the approaching wagons and the Captain came up to see how Du Fen was faring.

"Are you alright, Lord Du?" He asked the boy. He looked over the red-faced boy with concern.

"F-fine. Does he really find me beautiful?" Du Fen replied absently.

"Yes. He is the Emperor you know. He doesn't have to marry anyone if he doesn't want to, let alone sleep with them." The Captain replied nonchalantly. He didn't realise the impact of his words, mostly because he didn't realise how far their relations had gotten.

"That's... that's right. He wouldn't do anything if he didn't want to." The words that Du Fen spoke to himself seemed to lift a great chip off his shoulder. He smiled to himself as he watched the Emperor argue with one of his men good naturedly.

"He has been putting off choosing partners for a bit longer than we all were comfortable with, so it's a bit of a relief that he agreed to have you for a bride. There were some who thought our work-a-holic Emperor would never make the time to have children." He joked as he motioned for the boy to head over to the tents now being pitched on the field.

"I must admit I was a little reluctant myself. My father told me that it is important for the Emperor to have strong allies next to him. As much as I would prefer to be a general in his army, I know that many would object to a Ger in the position." Du Fen replied absentmindedly.

The Captain glanced over at the strong young man with a studying look. It was true after all, and even reassuring him would not do much. Their society saw Ger and women as little more than ornaments and breeders. Although many had proven to be intelligent and strong in the past, they were considered the exception to the rule.

"The Emperor also needs strong children, and someone to guide them in the palace so they can survive to carry on his legacy. It is much harder than it sounds." The Captain asked somewhat searchingly. Du Fen sighed and nodded.

"I know. The Imperial Palace is not a safe place for innocent children. Part of me wants to refuse to have children and just be a strong partner." Du Fen looked sadly up at the stars, trusting his feet to pick the way. The Captain looked worried.

"You... you don't want to have his children?" He asked quickly, glancing over at the serious faced boy. Du Fen glanced at him and then shrugged.

"All growing up there were people who told me that was all I was good for. I admit that it made me want to rebel against it. I intended not to ever have children before I even met him. But now that I have met Ji... the Emperor... maybe it wouldn't be so bad?" Du Fen stumbled over his wavering thoughts.

"Well, the Emperor knows you are good for far more than that already. He is not the kind of man to look down on you for gifting him with children." The Captain also persuaded him. Du Fen smiled then and nodded.

"Yes. You are right. He is not that kind of man. As awkward as he is at wooing his bride-to-be, I know he would cherish me." He replied with an amused look.

"Hey. Who is awkward? You dare insult Us, the Emperor's fine wooing abilities?" A gruff voice sounded petulantly from behind them. Du Fen turned with a blush and looked upon Jian Jun standing there with a plate of shaved meat and an expression that wavered between pleased and annoyed.

The Captain held a straight face and exchanged a glance with Du Fen. "Never." They said simultaneously. Then Du Fen broke down and giggled, covering his mouth so only his mirthful eyes could be seen.

"Tsk. Now you lie boldfaced to me. The Emperor's trust is shaken, shaken I tell you! See if I give you any of my meat." He held up the plate closer to his chest and turned away a little. Du Fen just snorted and laughed harder. The Captain had a pained look upon his face and brought his hand up to his forehead to rub it.

"C-c-come husband, you know I am not serious. Sit with me and we shall have a bite of m-m-meat." Du Fen finally coaxed with his face still full of laughter. He tugged the Emperor's robe gently and and his smiling face turned up at him so prettily, that Jian Jun was tongue tied into obediently doing as he said.

"You two will be the death of me." The Captain muttered before walking away.


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