Chapter 34

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General Yu came into the room that he had set aside for his wife's office and watched for a few moments as the elegant young man bent over his writing desk. A grin came to his lips and he let his eyes rake over the curve of his neck and clever hands.

"Are you just going to stare at me all afternoon, or do you have something you want husband?" The caustic words came out of the manly lips in a tone that bordered on teasing. His sharp eyes rose to meet the General's and then lowered back to his task.

"There is always something I want, wife dearest." The General teased back, and came to stand behind Prince Ling Min. He raked his fingers through the glossy strands of the man's hair, ignoring the stiffening of the prince's spine.

"Hmph. If I had known you were such an animal, I would have made you the wife." Ling Min grumbled as he put the finishing touches on his letter. He set his brush aside to be cleaned and turned to look at his husband with a raised brow.

"Too late now. Speaking of too late, the reason I came is that the First Wife is currently in labour. Did you wish to go and support your brother? He seems... agitated." General Yu said with a rakish smile.

"Eh!? Start with that next time. Gods man, how are you a general in the army when you think with your lower parts so much?" Ling Min got up hurriedly and smacked the general on the shoulder when he was grabbed into an embrace.

"Only when you are around, my dearest. I can't seem to help myself." He pecked a kiss on those pouting lips before him and watched the blush suffuse the prince's cheeks. It was still so satisfying to see the man lose his composure when he attacked him out of the blue.

"Well try. We need to leave immediately." Ling Min pulled reluctantly out of his embrace and ordered the horses to be brought forth. Clothing and such would follow them later, and he directed the head of the staff as they walked out to the front of the home.

Only an hour later had them walking into the room where the Emperor paced back and forth. They were close enough to hear all the commotion as serving staff and physicians looked after the pregnant Du Fen.

"You look terrible brother. Why are you so worried? Du Fen will be fine. He is strong and healthy. I am sure there will be no problems with the birth." Ling Min told his brother in a comforting tone. The Emperor grimaced and shook his head.

"I am not worried about his strength or abilities, brother... but at the same time I am very worried about those things." He muttered in reply cryptically. General Yu looked at his wife in puzzlement.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?" He asked in concern.

"Du Fen is going to kill me... or castrate me. I hope he gives birth to an heir before he does, but there is no doubt about it. Maybe I should go off to war, so he has time to forget. Who should I go to war with, General?" The Emperor said the whole thing so calmly that both of them were shocked to their cores.

"Nobody. What on earth are you going on about, Jian Jun? Have you lost your mind?" Ling Min came forward and shoved his brother, who just sighed and flopped down onto a settee with his hand over his eyes.

"No, but Du Fen is going to in a moment." He mumbled. They could hear the shouting and grunting from the next room quite loudly. Ling Min wondered if hearing all that had made his brother lose his wits.

Suddenly there was a silence, and the cries of a babe were heard. The Emperor lifted his head with a look of pure joy, his grin stretched across his face and he let out a sigh. When his brother moved to congratulate him though, he held up his hand.

"Wait for it." Was all he uttered. There was a pause, a deadly quiet in both rooms.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" The guttural cry from the next room sounded out loudly and the Emperor of the lands from too far for the eye to see... flinched. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M HAVING TWINS? WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!?"

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