In a world where wives are now bought from the highest bidder only if the parents are selling them. When Katrina and Jaun are tight for cash they sell their daughter on her 17 birthday only she's has to wait until she's 18 to move in with her husban...
Blue POV " I can't believe my parents really sold me" I say to Charity my best friends in the whole world along with Mona and Ginger" I can't believe you were the last of us to get sold" Mona said. She was married to a drug dealer. " at least you got it made, We got drug dealer you probably got some fancy lawyer" Mona said and I scoff.
" y'all got it made, them big ass Weddings y'all had, I signed my marriage certificate first I don't even know his name, you guys have the newest everything I wish I get a drug dealer, I would never want again" I sigh getting dressed.
" he's throwing you this huge 18th bash, shit the fuck up you got a drug dealer" Charity says and I smile. This was true I was finally going to meet my husband, weird I have had a husband for a year and have never met him, know nothing about. " you might wanna put the ring on" Mona says handing me the rock I opened from him, I never wore it, until now.
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" damn" Charity says and I smile at it. " and your wedding is when in three weeks?" I nodded. He had the invitations sent out about two weeks ago and my parents got one and He left me a few to give out to my friends. 10 to be exact.
I sighed I spent all day going over my 17th birthday in my head with my friends that now the party was quickly arriving. " I hope he's not a dick like Gingers husband he's so mean but not to her" Mona says and I sigh putting on my dress it was white, he requested that I be wearing white and it was a masquerade ball.
" he really went all out for your birthday, you look really good" Charity says finished my makeup. I loved their matching outfits.
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( Mona and Charity's matching dresses)
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( their matching mask )
" I will see you at the party, your life is about to change forever are you ready?" They asked. " I'll see you there" I tell them kissing their cheeks. I sigh looking at my body once more before putting my dress on.
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( keeping the old dress Bc the roast kinda funny 😂😮💨 )
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( this is the dress Blue Is Wearing )😭👋🏾 )
He picked it out, he's seen pictures of me and he said he thought this would look the best on me. I grab my mask and my phone before I went downstairs. There was a man waiting for me at the door. " Don't worry I'm not Rio, he did send for me so that you could arrive to your party in style Blue" he says extending his hand. I take it letting him lead the way to a nice black car.
So his name was Rio, sounds like a interesting guy. They asked if I was ready and I think I am. Stepping out the car the party looked amazing as the double doors opened to reveal everyone watching me and clapping as I descended the staircase. I recognized my father as he held his hand out for me at the bottom of the staircase.
The waltz he learned for me began to play, Iv been dancing ballroom for the last three years. As we waltzed my dad held me tighter than normal. " this is your new life now Blue and he expects you to adjust to it rather quickly" my dad says and I nodded. " I know the risk papa, I've seen Ginger's Husband" I say laughing and he puts on a smile and shakes his head no.
" Rio is very dangerous, we really needed the money honey and I am so sorry" he says and I smile and nod. " it's okay dad you did what you had to do so we can eat, I forgive you and I can hold me own" I give him a big hug as the song ended. The next one comes on and everyone starts dancing with each other.
" you look amazing B, you remember Spooky right" Ginger says and her husband was by her side and I smile and nod giving him a hug as well. " Hell be pleased that you wore the dress" he says and It was confirmed that my hubby was a drug dealer. " do you know where he is?" I asked Spooky. " Rio is, closer than you think" he says looking at me and then he guides Ginger away.
" May I have this dance?" A Italian Sounding man says. I curtsy him and let him guide me back to the dance floor. " you look good tonight" He says and there was a swagger about him. " thank you, you look good as well. " you always dance this well?" He asked spinning me around and I nodded. " I've been practicing three years" I say and before so know it the song changed and I switched partner. This man he had a suit on. " you look amazing" he says. This went on for a while I'll dance with a masked man and they all say the same.
" would you care to dance sweetheart?" Something about his voice just wet my panties up. He cleaned up well as well. " catch you later ladies" I say and his hand was soft and his energy was kinda mysterious. " you enjoying the party?" His voice was so soothing, yet familiar.
" oh don't tell me you don't remember the sound of my voice Blue" he says and I smile. " Rio" I say softly laying my head on his chest. " you didn't have to go through all this trouble" I say and he lifts my mask up with one hand and even behind his mask I could see the intensity behind his searching eyes. " Your so beautiful" he says before placing a sweet kiss to my lips. " your in my hands from now on Blue, Tonight you say goodbye to your family, you'll still go to your school and have your friends but I already have movers moving your stuff to my home up in the hills" he says. It was a lot to take in but my father warned me that everything was me and him from now on.
" will I still get to see my parents?" I asked him. " of course, I'm no monster" he placed my mask back on my head. I go to reach for his but the song ends and as everyone switches partners he disappeared into the crowd.
I ran back to my friends to tell them I finally met them. " well what was he like?" Charity asked and I smiled. " sexy and mysterious" I tel the truth and they give me hugs and the man from earlier came up to me. " Rio request your presence on the balcony" he says and I let him lead the way. My new life awaited on the balcony.