In a world where wives are now bought from the highest bidder only if the parents are selling them. When Katrina and Jaun are tight for cash they sell their daughter on her 17 birthday only she's has to wait until she's 18 to move in with her husban...
Blue POV I smiled as Rio danced goofily behind me as I got red to support Delmonte and go to a football game at school. " y'all going to go eat after words?" He asked kissing the top of me head and I look to Ginger and she shrugs doing her eyeliner as Spooky was bothering her too.
" probably" Charity responds as Damien walks in the camera shirtless. " oh come on" we all wine as he ruined the black tank top thing the boys were all wearing black tank tops except Damien. " I'll put a shirt on calm down" he says kissing Charity and Mona was doing the same as me as I fixed my curls.
" y'all sure y'all just going to a game" Rio ask nibbling on my ear and I nodded kissing his cheek. Before you ask yes me and Dylan are still friends she feels bad but I tell her that before I met my husband he got a little bored and decided to entertain himself. She knows that Rio is the type to take care of his though and not to worry about him being a deadbeat I see how he is with Marcus when Rhea let's him see him.
" girl I think my butt getting big" I saw checking in my reflection and Rio looks and nods before grabbing handfuls of my ass. " could be bigger if you wasn't so scared to take backshots from your husband I'm just saying" Ginger says and I smack my lips. " I'm not scared baby" I say and he pouts and nods mocking me because he knows I have trouble taking backshots. " after the game tonight for Rio you better buss it buss it" Mona begins singing and I roll my eyes at their shenanigans.
" okay I'm on my way I'm gonna pick up Mona and I'm on my way" Charity says and I put chapstick on after Rio kissed all the remainder of the other one off. " when will you get a license baby?" Ginger pokes fun and Mona fakes laugh. " I take my drivers test next friday and you whores better hope I pass" she says and I nodded. " you'll do great" I tell her and Rio leaves the room.
* After The Game *
Rio POV I was talking to Bank and Cintron. " yeah and you tell them I don't wanna have to come down there I'm trying give Blue just a day to herself with me" I tell them and that's when I hear the front door open. " make sure this gets to the club and you got the rest of the night off" I say looking at the time it was almost 9.
" hey baby" Blue says setting her keys on the kitchen counter and I look at her and saw she had her school colors on her cheek. " hi mama" I say receiving a kiss from her. " how was the game ?" I asked her and she smiled. " it was good, we won by 13, they didn't stand a chance" she rambled excitedly and I had the chef prepare her favorite Alfredo. " aww baby you didn't have too I was gonna make a PB and J" she says softly when I pulled the plate out the oven.
I watched her eat as she tells me about the game and mama was funny I laughed at her joke.
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" glad you enjoyed yourself imma go run you a bath real quick" I say standing up and she looks at me shocked. " what?" I ask her and she put her hand on my arm. " will you get in the bath with me?" She asked. " why is that?" I asked her biting my lip she knew what she was doing. " I wanna be the one to make you cum" she says giving me a bite of her food. She goes to grab a napkin but I stopped her. " you making it hard for me" I admit to her and she smirked as I lifted her out her seat she could finish her food once I was done with her.
Ginger POV " I want you to understand" I say to Spooky as he stood there with his arms crossed and he pointed at me smirking.
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" I love you Gin I do I just can't help it me and Rio been doing it for the longest and yes I know before you say it we know we're married and we're trying" I nodded at what was coming out his mouth. " Can you Try harder because our feelings are involved now y'all can't keep cheating and. Getting females pregnant and expect us to be okay with it we get it it was before you met us but you gotta respect us as the women you married" I say walking up to him.
Grabbing his hand I lead him to our room. " it needs to stop, if you have any ounce our respect and love for me you will try harder to stop we would never sit here and publicly embarrass y'all like that so why do it to us?" I asked him going to take a shower. " I love you Ginger" he admits standing in the bathroom door. " act like it" I respond closing the door in his face. All of their actions will speak louder than their words I'm tired of getting cheated on, Charity tired of it Mona us and so know Blue sick of the shit none of us asked to be with them they chose us so they better start acting like they wanna keep their wives.