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" and your fucking killing her, do you even care?" Dre was asking Rio after me and him got into an argument about Blue and Charity. " Of course I fucking care I love her!" Rio yelled and I scoffed. " look at what you were fucking her friend, YOU WERE FUCKING HER FRIEND" I raised my voice before coming down. " you mean to tell me you had no sexual relations with my wife in that month?" I roll my eyes a bit before deciding to get under his skin. Leaning up in my seat I shrugged. " I ate her out, she wanted me to, but you, fucked Charity and took her from me, it's cool I kept that shit light didn't I, don't get mad at me for marrying B, she didn't object and we both know she could've" I sneer and he chuckles.

" so you think that make it okay?" Dre asked Rio. " he's grown, hell we all grown, don't be mad when you can't handle her or love her like me" I shake my head at this statement. " that's why it was so easy for you to leave her for Charity right? speaking of which, they get out of practice in thirty, don't be late" I say standing up to go get Blue. When I get there Rio is pulling up behind me. Blue and Charity look at us pulling up at the same time. Blue was off to the side they looked as if they didn't speak at all. I know all she needed was a hug so I got out the car and opened my arms to her, she came without question.

 I know all she needed was a hug so I got out the car and opened my arms to her, she came without question

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" Can we go?" she asked and I nodded holding her hand all thew way to the car opening the door for her. I closed it once she was in. " Can we not go to dinner tonight, I just ugh, i don't wan-" I cut her off seeing she was about to cry. " It's okay bae we don't got to go, calm down ain't no need in you getting all worked up over him, fuck that nigga, I got you and I will not do you wrong" I say and she leans over and kisses my cheek. " you know what, you're right fuck Rio, they are perfect for each other, lets go out" she says and I look at her fluffing her curls out.

" you sure?" she nods and i get us home. When I tell you Blue was throwing hint after hint at me, i'd be a damn fool not to take them. " Blue you got one more time and I'm gone make you realize you fucking with a grown ass man" When I tell you this girl looked me dead in my eyes before going on to my bed and falling on it dramatically. " I'm finna put this muthafucking monster up in you and make you fall in love" I tell her grabbing her legs so that I was standing in between them. " make me fall in love, I want to feel again" This statement made my blood boil that Rio fucked with her mind that much that she went numb when they broke up, and then he's marrying her friend. " Blue you are such an amazing girl" I sit on the bed next to her.

Charity POV
I feel terrible, I see how fucked up in the head Blue got after the breakup, it may seem like it was easy for me to get over Mateo but it kills me to see him trying to build B up like Rio built me up. " no " Blue giggled as they walked up to the table and Blue was all smiles at Mateo, that kinda hurt. " i see Red" Blue was telling Teo and i felt Rio caress the back of my hand and it me feel better. " oh you're so done" Blue laughed at him. " yeah you better sleep with one eye open" Her dimples was out, the dimples. " ouu damn what I got to do for your number" he asked and she held her hand out and she got his phone, just like that she held her hand out and got it just like that.

" you are so fucking cute" he said seeing what she typed and the gave each other a kiss, like on the lips. " mmm " Blue hums softly while looking at Blue. "Can I have a bite?" I heard Ginger and Blue asked at the same time and they got their bite. " you okay?" Rio asked touching my shoulder and I nodded. " you wanna try some of my food don't you" I smile because I actually did. " Ight can we address the elephant in the room and get it over it I want my damn friend group back right" Mona says and We all sighed sitting back in our seats.

" I'm not mad, I don't care" Blue says and I let out a breath. " we had a set of rules that I broke first, I started catching feeling for Mateo and yeah it hurt hearing that Rio started catching feeling for you Charity but this was only after I told him I was leaving him and he asked if I was leaving him for Mateo and at the time I couldn't answer because I would have said he's out of spite" Blue spilled tea we didn't even know she had.

" that's why I'm not as mad as everyone thinks I should be, I started it and now that the dust has settled I can honestly see how happy Rio and Charity are together and I'm happy with Teo so now that we have an understanding that this whole situation truly blew up in my Face I'd like to not talk about it anymore." We all looked at each other and took a sip of whatever we were drinking. " no more bad blood" the guys agreed and we repeated after them. There's always a side we don't see and today B admitted it was her fault and she wants to move past it, she never made me or Rio feel like shit and now we know why.

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