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* Two days before new years *

Danny POV
" I don't know what you had going on or what you and Bailey got an agreement on but young man why is it panties by my bed?" I asked Truth on the phone after we had spent Christmas with our girls and Blue was showing signs of having interested in Lionel. Blue hasn't been in my room me and Derrick took her to a spa day for Christmas that we had booked for her before we even asked her to be our girlfriend. The panic was flowing through my body as I stared at them.

" it's Bailey's we about to turn around so you don't have to touch you, I told you to put your panties back on" I hear Truth mutter the last part to Bailey. " I thought you guys were going to Blue's room I'm sorrryy I was hungry and we left in a rush" Bailey apologizes and I chuckle and shrug. I just wanted them gone before B got here, didn't need my lady to think I'd ever put her in that type of position.

" hey papa" Blue walks into the room and Derrick walks in behind her. " you're bubbly you was just tired what's up mama?" I asked her pulling her into a hug. " I may or may not have promised her we'd watch criminal minds with her" he says and he did a double take at the panties and pulled Blue smoothly into his chest. " bubba nooo you can't go back on your word" she pours I assume she thought he was trying to change his mind. " we're not, even though I didn't agree, we aren't" I say and she looks at me and laughs. " are you guys trying to hide the fact that Bailey's panties are on the floor? You know we do each other's laundry we know what each other's lingerie looks like" Blue says and my jaw dropped cause she didn't even look over there she just knew.

" I saw them when I came in papa they're like green I'm not worried about them, criminal minds please?" She goes batting those pretty blue eyes and how could I say no. I folded immediately and gave in to her unhealthy but adorable obsession to the show. " yes ma'am" I say making her smile and she hopped on the bed making me abs Derrick laugh. " ma'am we cannot watch a whole season we have Kappa business to attend to at 4" I said which gave us roughly enough time to watch four episodes. " it's okaayyyy" she climbed under the covers making herself comfy and her smile was just too much.

I pulled up my Snapchat and saw this woman already had an episode running and I recorded the tv first before panning the camera over to Blue and Derrick who was also into the show. " really D?" I ask and he smiled. " she got me hooked" he gestured to the T.V making me chuckle. " it is a good show" I admit and he points at me nodding before turning his attention back to the T.V. I captioned it with the T.V emoji and posted it to my story.

I guess it does get confusing to people about our relationship with Blue because we're very private and we don't act like a couple all the time, but instead a group of best friends. I could see where girls would get confused about where our girlfriend we speak of comes into play, I mean most girls these days wouldn't trust the idea of a girl best friend, we just happen to be dating ours. I get comfortable on the other side of Blue who was sipping on a water as the Team was using brain scanning technology to see if a criminal who went into a coma really did or didn't remember the crimes he committed.

Blue sits up and she paused it. I assumed she just needed to go to the bathroom but she didn't walk away after standing off the bed. " I have to talk to you guys" she was soft spoken and shy about it. We both sit up and I didn't have to look at Derrick to know this was gonna be about Lionel. " umm I feel really guilty, I've been spending a lot of time with Lionel" she pauses and I could tel she was real nervous. I look over at Derrick and he does the same before we both look at her with concern. " I started thinking about him more and I even thought him in a romantic light and I am so sorry I cheated " she sounded like she was finished and we looked at her.

" that's it?" Derrick ask causing Blue to nod. " did you sleep with him?" Derrick ask and she shook her head no quickly. " no" she said quickly the tone rising showed me that she didn't sleep with him. " did you kiss him?" She shakes her head no. " I only thought about it once" she was wringing her hands. " first and foremost please relax B, you didn't cheat" I say and she looks at us like she didn't know what to say.

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