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Blue POV
" you got married as soon as you turned 18?" Derrick ask shock and I shook my head grunting due to the weight of bat as I did my weighted squats as we were at the gym. " I was bought at 17 but I didn't meet Rio until the night of my 18th" I explain and Danny popped his head up. " you had been married a year and you hadn't met your first husband yet?" Danny ask and I shake my head no. " okay this is good, your getting it off your chest, anything else you wish to share?" The look in their eyes showed they care. " I think that's about it, I mean you know everything else Eric did the same thing Rio did only Rio did it with Charity but you know how we handled that and got through that" I said and they nodded. " are you okay?" Danny asked the genuine concern in his voice and if you have asked me that question two months ago when we walked into that club and found our ex husbands cheating, my answer would be hell no and I'd broken down crying in front of both Danny and Derrick. I grunt setting the weight back on the racks satisfied with my reps and Derrick put more weight on it for his deadlifts.

" yeah, actually. I think I have started healing and that's why I've been a bit more open with you guys lately" they both smile brightly at me and I smiled in return. It felt kind of good not only being in the gym on a steady routine but with two people I love. I can say that I love them without feeling guilty but I do have love for them.

I smiled at them and they nodded. " so what are your views on Jilly being friends with us?" Derrick asks grunting a bit and I shrug. " I mean I have never been the type to dictate the people you let in your life and seeing as we're figuring stuff out together and I'm in my healing arc, I say be respectful" I speak freely and it felt good to actually let them know what I think. " though she has not glirted deliberately I do be getting the subtle ones and I want to tell her like ' ma'am I got a girl' but I'm not trynna out no pressure on B so I just ignore it" Danny says as I step into doing lunges.

" drop lower" Derrick guides me lower and I feel it in my legs and I groan a bit feeling the muscles being worked. " there you go" they both sounded so proud and I smiled. " oh my gosh Danny Derrick I didn't know you guys used this gym, would have thought you use the one closer to the kappa house" I hear Jilly's voice as Derrick was blocking me from her view. " yeah it was closer to our workout partner" Danny says as he wiped sweat as he hands me his water bottle as Derrick lets me stand up. " oh hey Blue, I didn't know you worked out" her voice was full of surprise and I nodded.

" back to what we were saying" I say and Derrick nods. " consistency is definitely key for us B, I already sent you our schedule and you're looking good already" Danny says and I smile. " thanks, also I wanted to cook a few of those recipes I sent you" I say making Derrick clap his hands together in excitement. " yes, yes un please do" he says and Danny agrees. " my boy got a point your cooking is the truth" they compliment me and I smile. I just recently started cooking for them and they love it even though I've only done it three times.

" that ms good form but try not to bend your back so much and keep it straight" Jilly says from the floor as she's stretching and I was attempting to deadlift. " see B this why you say it hurts try this" Danny gets behind me and he straightens my back as he squats down with me. " feel better?" He ask and I nod. " much better" I admire slyly and he chuckles. " focus on your form and not so much the reps, I want you to have good quality before you focus on quantity" Derrick says drinking some of my water and I nodded trying to focus on my form. About another ten minutes go by and we finish our workout.

I was minding my business going to the book store to get the newest edition of one of my nursing books and I see a group of girls. " I can't wait to pledge Delta, everybody especially then kappa men want a piece of Delta girls" one was saying and I smirk to myself as I go down the aisle searching for the new volume I needed. Finding it I make my way to the register. " hey B when's the new line coming?" The girl behind the Starbucks counter whispered and I shrugged. I actually did know, as Ace's and Dueces we all knew and it's after winter break which is in two weeks for the winter line.

Taking the book back to drop it off at my room Charity began to FaceTime me. " hey girl" I say going to the bathroom to fix my hair and she smiled. " so a little jealous birdie is telling people she wish she was close with Danny and Derrick but a certain gym partner is in the way, what did you say to Jilly?" I laugh shaking my head. " I just was there as they said they went to the gym closer to our dorms because I was their new workout partner and I guess she's upset she didn't think of it first" I shrug putting chapstick on. " what's going on with you, Danny and Derrick might I add?" My smile gave it away and I shrug. " I don't know I really like them obviously and I know they wouldn't hurt me, they've shown they wouldn't hurt me and I want to lean in to it but I'm just going to go with the flow" I play with a couple curls. " y'all are really cute, you are so happy now and I nodded because I was. It's been a long two months and I still don't think I'm fully ready to move on. I'd literally do anything for Eric and he took that and crushed everything we had right before my very eyes. Here Danny and Derrick both were giving me pieces of them to help me make myself whole again and for that I am very grateful for them.

"Enough about me what about you and Devin?" And she shakes her head. " same as you only I know the moment he ask me to be his girl I'm gonna say yes" she teased me and I sigh. It would be nice to give in but I don't know why I get this feeling that I'm betraying my husband, Ex-Husband. Right, I keep forgetting that he let me go first and we divorced. I see Charity hung up and I was kinda glad she had, as I went and fell face first onto my bed groaning loudly. Why can't I just admit my feeling for them and we be together? Because who wants the perfect love story anyways, it truly is a cliche and I want it to happen naturally.

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