* Grab your tissues and popcorn *
Charity POV
I stare at Danny, Derrick, Mal and Siddo who refused to let me and my girls come alone and they drove us over here to one of their clubs. We seen their cars and we know they're here. It all started when both Ginger and Bailey both had a bad feeling about they're husbands and why we haven't been seeing them. " you don't really want to go in do you?" Derrick and Mal asked Ginger and Blue who looked at each other.I had to psych myself out that I was preparing to walk in here and get my hair broken. We all were, I could feel it. " what if you go in there and that's all they're doing is working?" Danny asked and Blue nodded a small smile on her face. " then my marriage loves to fight another day" she says and I smile she was right. " and if they're doing what y'all think they are?" Mal ask " then no more husbands I say goodbye to Eric I go with Danny and I go to sleep" Blue answered and I could tell she was being honest. " B you don't mean that" Derrick rubs her back and she nods.
" I do, I'm tired of fighting for something he clearly doesn't want and if he proves he's in here fighting then I'll keep fighting too" Blue was spitting facts so we went inside. " Tayte move" Blue asserted aggressively as she marched right past him and to Eric who was in VIP with, you guessed it Taylor. What's ere they doing he was hugging on her. " oh my god" Taylor pulled away when she seen Blue. " Really Eric" Blue asked and I pretended to look away. " Blue" Eric says and blue nodded. " and with her you got a damn hickey on your neck and Eric you're fine but I'm tired" Blue says and Taylor smacks her lips. " you're about to be a bitch don't this to him why you turn into a bitch stop it " she says Danny tried to grab my arm but I snatched away.
" ooohhh I was a bitch to you huh ?" Blue asked eerily calm and it was like everything was still. Eric was dead quiet the look in his eyes was pure fear. " you don't remember when I was nice, and nice and nice again, and again and again" she began to cry as Danny held her hand. " and again and again and THEN I was a bitch" I watched as she mushed Taylor in the side of the face and Danny and Derrick both grabbed Blue's waist. " don't remember that do you?" Her voice was calm and quiet when she asked that question. " but you can have it all, how you get em is how you lose em" Blue says taking off her ring and placing it in the palm of Taylor's hand.
" B you don't want to throw it away what you guys have" Derrick says and Blue shook her head no. " unt un, used to have" her tears didn't go unnoticed as Danny wiped them. " he already threw it away, I guess I was too busy digging through the trash to see he already let me go, goodbye Eric" Blue says as she turned into Danny's chest and cried. He took them out the club but our mission was not finished I watched at Mal went with Ginger to find Spooky and Siddo took my hand to find Rio. I found him with Rhea. " oh she had to find out this way" she says and Rio had the nerve to look stressed. " oh no don't move, I know I did some fucked up things but this takes the cake, I hope you remarry her she clearly wants it the most and you clearly can't stay away from her" I toss the ring and she catches it. Was I sad? Yes I love that man but do I know I'm worth way more than that? Absolutely. I don't know what was gonna happen next but I know that I deserve better, hell we all did and I know Blue is heartbroken. I feel for her my heart goes out to her. This only solidified what she was saying about every man she ever loved cheating on her.
I feel bad for the boys these kappa men just saw what their big brothers were really about, I know Mal and Danny were probably disgusted especially since Eric was their DP. These are the men they were looking up to and I hope that the boys learned a very valuable lesson today to never meet their idols, never look up to no one but themselves. I saw that Blue was in the middle of having a panic attack and Danny was actually calming her down. He was talking and walking her through it. He ended up having to scoop her into the vehicle because one she was causing a scene and two she couldn't stop crying.
Danny POV
I know from experience that blue needed to talk it out like she was now. " i did nothing but love him , unconditionally I went on birth control for him, I cleaned up his messes well not any fucking more" she snatched off the kappa necklace on her neck and threw it out the window as we pulled off. " B you gotta chill you can't just be throwing para out the window" Derrick says and she shakes her head. " it was a tracker disguised as para, it wasn't real" she angrily wiped her tears.I gotta give it to the womens intuition, when they feel something is wrong, it's wrong. We tried to stop them we never would have though our big brothers would do anything like that but the girls were so persistent. " I know it's different for everyone so do you want to be alone and I take you to your dorm or would you rather some company?" I communicate with her and she clings to my side giving me my immediate answer and we drop a tearful Bailey and Mona off to their rooms where we saw Blue and Bailey's light go off immediately following us closing the door.
Blue POV
Danny let me take a shower by myself and he was being really patient with me right now. I didn't know how to feel I felt betrayed and I was beyond hurt I was destroyed. Everything I did for that man, I bent over backwards for him, I changed myself for him so much so that I didn't even know who was looking back at me in the mirror and that made me cry even more. I lost myself in this relationship and I didn't know who I was and I did it for him, to keep him happy and make him love me. Why didn't he love me?

In Love With A Criminal
FanfictionIn a world where wives are now bought from the highest bidder only if the parents are selling them. When Katrina and Jaun are tight for cash they sell their daughter on her 17 birthday only she's has to wait until she's 18 to move in with her husban...