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* Filler *

Charity POV
I fucked up bad, like real bad. Rio barely talks to me if he's not showing me off like I'm a trophy wife. " Rio please" he grips my arm a bit and he looks at me. " I see you trying to get back in my good graces, and You've been proving your loyalty coming home straight from school and cooking for me every meal, let's see how tonight goes and we can talk eh" he says and I mentally sigh. I hate talking to his gangster buddies it's just something we as their wives were never good at. " actually you reconcile with your friends tonight and I'll dust it under the bridge" he was letting it go so easily because a week ago i caught him cheating on me, my reason for sending me over the edge and kissing Mateo.

" oh god please be with me, I'm going to freshen up" he kisses my cheek and I knew it was for appearances. Going to the bathroom I see Blue fixing her hair. " Charity" She gives me a smile. " I've been praying for you, I thought the next time I saw you I was gonna wanna beat yo ass and drag you all over the city, then have Bosely put your body somewhere no one would ever find it, but no. I've been praying for you " We looked at each other before she opened her arms and I went right in and almost broke down in them.

" i know the others forgave me because it wasn't their drama and I know it's gonna take some time to fully trust me again, Blue believe me I am sorry" she strokes my hair and nods. " I forgive you, but you really gotta forgive and work on yourself, I can't live your life for you and I can't get better for you" I needed to go to therapy and get better. What type of friends' tries to steal her friend's husband, Twice at that? Someone who is unhappy with themselves. " not a reunion in the bathroom" I hear Ginger and turn and see Ginger and Mona. " oh and you try that shit again and I will make sure Bosely feeds you to the piggies and i get buried under the jail house" Blue says and the fear that ran through my body.

" come here i missed you guys" Blue says and we group hug. " wait you guys haven't been talking?" I asked confused. " Well not that you hoeish ass would know but when you betray Blue we all get the silent treatment so that this Queen can grow and work on herself, I missed us, but seriously you pull this shit again, with any of our husbands and we all going to jail for killing yo ass" Ginger says and I put my hands up. " I promise, eyes only for Rio, and he won't even give me the time of day unless we're charming someone" I felt a rub on my back. After our cheerful reunion we all make our way to the table.

Blue POV
As much as it feels good to not shut all my friends out and to be happy with them, I still want Charity to get better that was truly mentally unstable behavior and I want all of us to thrive and be happy. " everything good babe?" Teo put his arm around me and I nod looking up at him. " I mean you know I really don't know how I'm supposed to act at these things" I mumble pulling at the strap on my dress a bit. " just be you, nobody can do that better than you" he bends down and gives me a kiss. It was everything about this man, his ambiance, his voice could wet the panties of any female, he was feared among even Rio when he was angered and he was so sweet to me. These were all the reasons why I'm glad I married him. I guess Rio really was perfect for Charity and Mateo was perfect for me.

" I know you lying, are those red bottoms?" An unfamiliar voice says and she was cute, brown skin and her curls similar to mine. " yeah I seen my baby eyeing them on our errands run last week and surprised her with them this morning, told her ' you'd look amazing in them with that dress ' and she does" Teo says and I looked into his eyes and swore I saw a twinkle. " Thank You" I smile up at him. He pulls my chair out for me and Ginger smiles at me shooting me a thumbs up. " Oh my thank you " ginger says as Spooky was doing the same thing. " Such a gentleman " Mona and Charity chimed at the same time.

" Ladies this is Oliver, our newest member of our team" Spooky says and we all shake his hands after our husbands introduce us. " This is my wife Bailey, I do believe she's only met and hung out with Charity though" The words he was saying were drowned out when Mateo caressed the back of my hand, his tattoos told an unsung story of his the the first chapter i was just beginning to understand yet he's let me be apart of the narrative.

" what do you want to eat?" Because I usually order for the both of us, it's something I've always done. " You, but for now, I'll get what you get" his voice sultry and drawing me in to it's trap. " babe" his brown eyes swallowing my soul as a smile found it's way to my face as he quickly returned the gesture. " I just love love, look at them " I hear a coo and I turn my attention to see that my husband and I along with Ginger and Spooky must have gotten lost in our own world again. That's been happening a lot as we've been growing as couples and getting treated like the queens we are. As It should be.


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