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I walk into Blues room an hour before she had to go to school. " mama" I knock on her door and she didn't even budge. " you gotta get up for school" I say walking closer to her. I d even tried to kiss her out sleep. " ma cmon, I'm not gone ask again, wake up" I say wrapping my hand around her throat. She smiles opening her eyes. " I woke up when you knocked at the door, I just wanted to see how far you would go" she smirked and I chuckled watching her go in the bathroom.

Blue POV
the whole car ride Rio was occupied on the car and I feel kinda bad that he's leaving his work to cater to me when he has stuff to do. " mama you heard me?" And I looked over at him. " I'm sorry I missed it" I say lost as hell as to why he was looking at me. " have a good day your gonna go to your parents after school Cintron will take you I'm using Banks today, you might also have to stay the night at your parents" he says and I get out the car nodding and giving him a kiss.

Walking into school all eyes were on me I mean I was the baddest looking as of right now. " you look good B" Mona says and I looked at my outfits. " like you got this glow, he really does make you happy" Charity says and I smile. " what about you guys?" I asked and all three of them started cheesing. " spill it" I say as we sat at the breakfast table." I got some bomb ass head last night" we all say and started squealing. I leaned forward as Charity went first in sharing the deets of her sexy night with her husband.

" you promised" Jaun slammed his fist on the table. " then I got her out her body, that little pussy got some power" I reminisced about last night. " your also short and man that lil pussy got some power" I say again rubbing my face. " she too young you can't do this RIO!" Mama Bear Karri said and I sit forward quickly.

" oh but I can, she's my wife, did y'all forget that, she's too young, y'all came to me I didn't go seeking for you, I told you everything comes at a price, Blue was that price for you, speaking on, blue will be over after school so try to act normal yeah" I say before throwing a stack of cash on the table and walking away. " y'all so lucky ain love your daughter" I tell them as Banks opens the door for me.

Blue POV
I smiled seeing my key to the house still worked. " Blue, how's the married life?"she asked and my father came and held me tight. " guys I've only been gone for a weekend" I say and he kissed me.

" you know how I told you that your husband was dangerous, promise us if he does something you'll tell us" My dad says and I nod. " I promise dad, he's been good to me" I say and my mom sighs with relief. " so far, you have no idea of what that man is capable of" he gave me another hug and kiss.

" how long are you staying?" They asked. " I can stay for dinner but not long after I have homework" I say and they nod and smile. Sooner then I know dinner came and went and I didn't realize my phone died. " Rio has been texting you and calling you all night" Cintron says and I show him my dead phone. " hubby ain't gone like that" he says and I shrug. It's not a big deal my phone died I'll charge it when I get in the house.

Walking in the house I was snatched into a hug. " mama you don't answer phones now?" He asked kissing me as he scooped me up swinging me around. " we're you worried?" I asked him and he smirked putting me down sitting next to me on the couch. " we're you worried?" I asked a again and he shakes his head no.

" nah you had Cintron with you" he says and I nod standing up. " so you mad at me now because I want worried?" He asked and I kept walking. " Mama what you think I'm paying them for it's so if they're with you I don't have to worry" he says following me. I just kept walking and putting my jacket on the coat rack. " so now you gonna ignore me?" He stands in front of me. " I have homework" I say calmly and he stares me deep in the eyes. " don't give me that bullshit" he says smashing the vase next to us. " I do" I began but he glared at me. " your the one picking a fight I wasn't upset or ignoring you I wanted to get to my homework, smashing a vase are you serious?" I asked him and he paused.

" don't ever not acknowledge me again, do you hear me" he asked and so was mad he pushed that vase all over my phone dying. So instead of answering I began walking away. He grabbed my wrist but I tried to pull away. " you have no idea what that man is capable of" my fathers words echoed. " let go of me" I yell and scream causing him to let go and I run to my room. " fuck this shit, clean that shit up" I heard him yell.

I curled up into a ball hoping I didn't just fuck shit up. I sighed out loud. Holding my head in my hands as I began to cry. Our first argument and he grabbed me and broke a vase. I cried even harder when Cintron came in the room confirming that he left the house entirely. If all I needed to do to avoid this was make sure my phone didn't die then I will do what it takes to keep him from going off like this.

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