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Charity POV
I laugh as Bailey and Blue hugged each other. " our big sisters don't want us to meet the pledges until they hit week four" Blue announces and Ginger nods. " are they nice?" I ask and Ginger shrugs. " I'm biased cause I heard word is they've been pushing up on our 12 weapons of M.A.S.S Destruktion" Gin says and I drop my jaw. " not only do they have frat wife's they have girlfriends" I Scoff and Bailey and Mona pointed to me on that one basically agreeing.

" it's been so long since I was a girlfriend I genuinely forget how to act" Blue says applying lip balm and wiping excess off. " speaking off congratulations are in order" I say and she smiles. " yesss on solidifying your relationship and finalizing you final boyfriend" we all squeal and hug her. Blue deserved ever piece of love that's come her way she's 3 for 0 right now and if this relationship last for a long time it'll even the score and show her that there are good guys out there.

" where is Lionel your new addition" Bailey asks and Blue shrugs. We were at the delta house in the kitchen actually we were cooking a dinner for the pledges actually. They weren't allowed to eat for 24 hours to show their loyalty to the courage and discipline it took to forge DST and they get to eat tonight they get a feast. " I have reason to believe he's pledging Kappa" Blue decides and we nodded.

Like us our pledging was a secret until about week 4 or 5 I can't remember aside from the close friends and our ex husbands we told, no one in school knew who the pledges were until hell week because that's the only time you see them actively pledging and when they get cuffed together. I have been seeing a lot of people cuffed together lately so maybe I need to open my eyes and I'll see who may be trying to get into DST.

Lionel POV
I closed my eyes as my big brothers were cutting all our hair off. I was saying goodbye to my Afro. I've had it all my life and now it was time for a fresh start. Was this apart of the slight hazing? Yes, did I mind? No. I was next and Micheal was after me I look back at him before I step up. " let's do this" I say and he cracks a smile as we were the last two.

We go inside and I sit on the chair

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We go inside and I sit on the chair. " I've been noticing all the girls cal you sweets, maybe now you can actually pull one without this fro" Big Brother Dr.Feel Good says. I smirk because little did he know I had the girl of my dreams already.

I actually had a date with Blue tonight and when I pick her up I'm sure she'll be surprised to see my new hairstyle. Getting out the seat after he was done I went to the mirror and looked at myself. It was different but I was still me. " I see you like your new do, be back at Lamont Lawn at 3 am" he says and I nod before leaving.
I head to my room and shower. My date with blue was a movie line up that she picked entirely by herself so it was a surprise to me. Blue walks in the room while I was setting the T.V up. I smile at her. " wassup" I greet her as she looks at me.

" you cute your hair" she says softly getting on the bed and touching my cheek

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" you cute your hair" she says softly getting on the bed and touching my cheek. I sit up on the edge of the bed. " yeah" I say softly. " you're pledging Kappa Alpha Psi aren't you?" She asks and I bring my lips in breathing deeply because she was gonna find out eventually. " yeah"

" good luck my love" she says and I looked at her

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" good luck my love" she says and I looked at her. " you're not mad?" She asked and she shakes her head no. " no, we love a good crimson and cream love" she whispered grabbing the remote. Crimson and cream? " you're a delta" I realize our loud. I totally never would have guessed like at all. " are you mad?" She asked and I shake my head " no" I actually smiled at her causing her to smile. I do understand that I'm getting most of her time right now because the neos are working on bringing our line in, but only half of them are going to become prophytes and the other half will become prophytes when they bring in a line.

Ginger POV
I smiled at Mal as he closed the door to his room and he put a sock on the door. I mean Mona and Haven were having a date night off campus at the moment Dow e would have our privacy. The sock was so others who didn't know we just wanted to be left alone and watch movies, would not bother us so we could cuddle and watch movies.

" babe" I say about halfway in. " you better not say what I think you bout to say" I laugh because he knew I was gonna say I wanted to watch something else , me and Blue could never finish a movie. " pleaseeeee" he sighs before going to Netflix and pulling up greys anatomy. Blue's unhealthy obsession was Criminal Minds, mine was Grey's. I cuddled into his side a giant smile on my face. " one of these days imma make you watch a movie all the way through ma" he says and I smiled. " one day" I agree teasing him only slightly.

Blue POV
Lionel nods after I que up yet another episode of criminal. " your unhealthy obsession with this show is intriguing and I am actually seeing the appeal" he says and I smile. " I learned a thing or two, like how to tell stuff about people" he continued and I sit up. " oh yeah, what's my favorite color?" I asked him and he looks at me and smiles. " Blue, not just because it's your name you associate it with the feeling of being free and loved, even though you'd argue you look better in red" I blush at the fact he got it right. " but I too am also a psych major" the sound of his voice soothing. " why did you switch majors Blue?" He ask and I shrug. Hun being a double major he's be doing 6 instead of 4 years to ease the school load a bit. " I didn't switch I finished it early" I say calmly. It was true I tested out of my nursing major and they tried to place me in the doctrine path to get my masters and a PhD, " but you'd rather be at a BAU" he realized and I nodded.

Danny and Derrick also realized this, my boys were too smart for me to ever try to think they wouldn't catch on to something I do. I know everything I would have learned here about the medical field. They wanted me in the gifted program but Lionel said it best, I'd rather be at a BAU, solving crimes like criminal minds. Me, Bailey and Truth. Ginger wanted to be a tech analyst and she was crazy good at coding as was I. Mona and Charity, forensics and let me tell you nothing gets past us as a whole group.

" you excel at everything you do, why chose this school when you could have been accepted into any, he'll all of the devastating eight, you guys are truly devastating indeed, oh you didn't choose this school cause of the academics, you were in love and you wanted to be close" I nod. Danny and Derrick also had this same epiphany when they heard I tested out and they were gonna give me a degree for my nursing major. " why'd you chose this school?" I asked him, I mean he was a sophomore and he chose to stay another year here. " same reason, I was in love" he says and I nodded. I love that fact that even though we're together I'm continually finding and learning new things about my loves and they are always learning About me. No couple goes into a relationship knowing everything, everyone has they're secrets but I like showing my bare soul to those I love most, and it may be my downfall one day but for now, people know what they see is what they get.

None of that layers mess, sometimes you have to ask to fully understand but it's never complicated with me. Sometimes I used to think I complicated things but it wasn't me, it was those around me, here with Lionel, Danny, and Derrick it was simple, the little things will forever add to the gentle fire I call my soul and I will forever be greatful for them. Though Lionel being newer I've only know him for about a month going on a month and a half he's proven he's like Danny and Derrick combined, mostly shy he could be bold, he could be assertive and most definitely sarcastic and goofy. I loved it all, I loved everything about them, I could only hope I was doing it for them the way they're ere doing it for me.

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