Mona POV
I just finished packing for this resort trip, I definitely am one of the procrastinators in the group me and Charity are the procrastinators but, we still got packed and the bus leaves in twenty minutes. I sigh as I rolled my luggage out to the bus. The big brothers of Kappa took my bags and placed them on the bus. I get on the bus to see Blue missing but Jilly put herself in between Danny and Derrick. I don't blame her because Blue is different when it comes to road trips she likes to sit alone, only I didn't see Blue on the bus.I gave a questioning look to them and they shrugged. " she went to get her charger and said not to worry about saving a seat for her" Danny says and I nodded. Blue comes on the bus and she sees the sight I was looking at and the look on her face told all. She actually looked devastating, not happy at all. " no mama, come sit with us" I say gesturing to me and Mal who were sitting across and a row back from Jilly, Danny and Derrick. That's when an SGRho came and put her carry on bag there while Blue was walking and she sighed seeing all the seats in the back.
" there's an empty seat next to Big Brother Dean Almighty" Jilly says and I could see the wheels turning in Blue's head, I wanted to know what she was thinking about.Blue POV
I sit next to Eric and he looks at me. " I heard the news from Rio" I say softly about Taylor lying and the baby not being his. " I'm not tripping about that girl, but thank you, she was a mistake I wish I never made" I shrug. We started talking more and the more we spoke the more it was clear to me he knew he fumbled a major bag and he regrets it deeply." what about you?" He asked after I asked if he bought a new wife and he said no. " oh well I'm in a relationship with Danny and Derrick" I say and he looks in the rear view mirror the bus had at the front that showed the passenger as they laughed and talked with Jilly. " is she aware of said relationship?" I shrug. " I'm worried but not about them, about her, I have females like Taylor to thank for that insecurity" I say and he shifts in his seat. " which one is your frat husband?" He ask and I looked again and they were watching us. " Derrick" I say and Eric smiled. " and I'm guessing Jilly stole Danny before you could actually ask either to be your frat husband" I nodded and he chuckled.
" she's a Taylor alright but she'd obviously educated, she'll make her move soon because you're barely around. I mean guys like them they obviously care for their girl so they'll mention a girlfriend and tell them they have a girlfriend. What happens is after a long time of not seeing them with this girlfriend or them not constantly bringing her up, the female alludes the girlfriend is fake and she makes a move, this move was made when she asked him to be her frat husband. If you don't say something to them now on this trip she'll making another that's a lot more major during the trip" he says and I let his words sink in.
" since when were you all about saving and sparing how a women feels?" I push him jokingly. " when I fucked up so bad the best thing to ever happened to me walked out of my life" he says and I pout a bit. " don't feel bad Queen, I fucked up while you were being perfect, don't ever change for anybody" he says and I give him a smile. I then began thinking about what Eric said about Jilly. I mean he would know, messing with girls like that was his specialty. Pulling out my phone I text our relationship group chat containing Me,Derrick and Danny. ' we need to talk' simple and straight to the point. I then power off my phone and close my eyes to try and not stress myself about it.
I just want to be secure in our relationship and not have to worry about getting hurt again. Trust me the third time is not always the charm. I just didn't want to be that girl who thinks everything's okay when in reality I was being lied to. Tell the truth I'm jealous, Jilly is very pretty and Diggs love is more common than crimson and cream love. People hear crimson and cream love and think friendship, people hear diggs love and think relationships they're gonna get married one day type shit.
I didn't like the feeling I got and I didn't like that I wasn't a fan of it. Nothing personally against here I'm just very protective in my relationship at the moment, I still very vulnerable when I discuss relationships. I was actually very upset and couldn't calm down so I opened my eyes to see Eric texting on his phone. I sigh closing my eyes again. " Blue I know that's the type of girl she is, but I've spent an intense 9 weeks with those two abs I know that's not the type of men that are, you one of a kind, they not coming up off you and they definitely not giving up the baddest red for an average AKA, just try to get some sleep it's a six hour ride" Eric says and I turn to him.
" what do you regret most about losing me?" I asked out of curiosity. That look that he gave me, the look it made me tingle inside, it made me feel as when we were newly married. " taking you for granted" his answer shook my soul as I looked at my hands. " you really think they're not doing me dirty?" I asked and he nodded. " those two are the type to cherish a women inside and out, they're gonna communicate with you what it means to be in a relationship with them, they're gonna tell you what they like about you, what about you is attractive, and it won't be the physical no, it never is, it's always something with your mental, the look on your face is telling me this is stuff they're currently doing which reiterates my point that they are not those type of men just because she's that type of girl" I nodded kinda glad that even though he can't have me anymore he'd do anything to see me happy, even if it mean seeing me happy with other people. I close my eyes before catching a glimpse of the boys looking deep in thought about what I could want to talk to them about. This was going to be a good six hour nap.

In Love With A Criminal
FanficIn a world where wives are now bought from the highest bidder only if the parents are selling them. When Katrina and Jaun are tight for cash they sell their daughter on her 17 birthday only she's has to wait until she's 18 to move in with her husban...