Blue POV
After talking with my mom and she told me about her experience and how she's a Made Delta and not paper and she explained the difference I knew now more than ever I wanted to be a Delta. We start college in two weeks and Eric and Dre have both been called to be honorary deans for the incoming lines this year. Now my husband is 24 and fine as ever, it takes just one female for me to leave him entirely, because I'm not going back down that road with him." when you gone out your ring back on?" He asked after he kissed my hand. " when you propose properly and we have an actual wedding" I say and he eyes me. " you do know we're already married right?" I nodded. " but you never actually proposed and we still haven't had a wedding yet, I want it the right way not just cause you bought me, plus you fucked up when you had two affairs." I say as I continued to pack to move on campus. I'll be living 30 minutes away from home and he won't miss me much since he'll have neos to take care all year and will actively be on campus.
" babe hold on a second" he steps in front of me gaining my attention. " am I wrong for feeling how I feel?" And he shakes his head no. " then those are the conditions where I will put the ring back on and never take it off again" I give him a nice juicy kiss and continue packing. " ok I'll raise you, you pledge and cross into DST and I'll propose" he says and I pause. If it were easy the stakes wouldn't be so high. This tell me my pledging process will be hell, but my husband knows I'm determined. " be ready to propose by winter break" I tell him and he smiles giving me a kiss. " good luck I have faith in you, but I will not help you" he gives me another kiss as I giggle before his phone rang. I turn back to packing while he went to answer the call.
Ginger pov
I know for a fact that me and Blue have been packing because we leave in two weeks. I know for sure Blue and Mona have been studying together already on all things DST. I've started as of this morning because I'm almost done packing. " babe why didn't you tell me you were a nupe too?" I asked as my husband entered the home. " how do you think we all met?" I heard Rio's voice. " what the hell you're a nupe too?" charity asked as she walked in holding Rio's hand. " so you've never noticed my Nupe tattoo?" They both ask us at the same time and spooky lifted his shirt so that one arm was exposed and he turned his shoulder to show his Kappa Alpha Psi tattoo on the back of his shoulder and Rio does the same thing." OH MY GOD YOUR LINE BROTHERS" I gasp ridiculously loud and Charity cheered with me. " but I already know you guys can't help us but did you know that Eric and Dre will be Honorable Deans this year for all the pledges all year?" I asked and Spooky nodded. " yeah they said it in the meeting I'm happy for my Kappa Beta chapters but that means me and Rio need to hold down the house with Oliver, is Bailey pledging with you guys?" Rio asked and we nodded she told us that Oliver told her what we were doing and wanted to support and e in the sisterhood with us.
They just got out of hiding together too and I think it was so cute that they go into hiding together. " baby can you please not disturb me tongiht I really need to study" I tell him and he smiled and nods. " yeah I'm proud of you and I hope you cross into delta sigma theta land" I heard Eric saying as him and Blue enter the house. " well since you have so much faith is it safe to say that you better be looking forward to some real food crimson and cream love come by winter break" Blue teased him and I got heart eyes.
" what is crimson and cream love?" I asked confused. " Delta Simga theta and Kappa Alpha Psi love, even if it's just your line brother like sigma gamma rho and a Kappa is called Indy love, with Kappas and Alpha Kappa Alpha is called diggs love" Blue informed us. " whaaa how do you know so much Eric you been helping her?" And he shook his head no. " I didn't even know she had started to do her research ive been supports her from a distance I want her crossing to be genuine and not because she's married to a Kappa" Eric says and once again there they go being goals.
" babe it looks like you better start doing more research" Spooky says and Blue smiles big. " actually Delmonte got us the hookup for a college party next Friday for the start of the school year and guess what kind of party it is, heard some of the DST big sisters were gonna be recruiting there and Monte is pledging Alpha so he got us an in because the Alphas and Kappas are pledging early and they have to bring females and since he's you know bisexual but currently in a same sex relationship they made his quota of females to bring five and how many of us are there?" blue spit all this information out at us. " FIVE" Bailey yelled as Oliver shut the door behind them and we all cheered. " sorry I know it's a lot" Blue says leaning on Eric. " oh trust me we know, we done been there done that, meet quota this and meet quota that so anything y'all say will not surprise us" Spooky kisses my forehead when Eric says this. " I just hope you can handle it" all of our husbands say. " what can I say it's the nupe in us and tell Delmonte I offer my luck and just cause I fuck with him don't mean they letting just anybody on they line, and blue that does me I'll have the first line and Dre will have the next" Eric explains and this got us riled up too and that means " did they do that on purpose raising his quota to five? If so I'm glad he chose the five of us." Blue smacked his chest playfully. " and that's the only help you get, he got you an in you ladies do the rest, and don't consider that help, consider that a closer step to what you want, good luck I love you bye" Eric says as the guys leave us to study the history and purpose behind the sorority we want to join. This will be a long journey but I'm so fucking ready for it.

In Love With A Criminal
ФанфикIn a world where wives are now bought from the highest bidder only if the parents are selling them. When Katrina and Jaun are tight for cash they sell their daughter on her 17 birthday only she's has to wait until she's 18 to move in with her husban...