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( this is the new face claim of Dre )

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( this is the new face claim of Dre )

Mona POV
I ignored yet another text from Dre as he tried to talk to me. I'm the groupchat we all revealed that we all had mental breakdowns around the same time last night. My heart goes out to my girls. Only person who wasn't as upset was Charity, she said she understood her karma from breaking up someone's marriage and that her and Rio were going to work things out. On the other hand fro us three we weren't speaking to our husbands at the moment.

They left last night when we not so nicely demanded they leave us alone, in one way or another. The sound of the door interrupted my thoughts. I look up and it's Dre. I thought I asked him to leave. " where are you going?" Dre asked when I was leaving this kitchen. " Move" I say and he points to the couch. " we need to talk" he says calmly. I scoff, so nothing I said last night meant anything to him. I try to move past him and he held his arm out. " girl I'm not gone tell you again" his jaw clenched. It was turning me on.

I roll my eyes before going to the couch and he sits across from me. " there's no denying we've been caught up in our affairs" he starts and I roll my eyes scoffing. " one hell of a way to say you're sorry" I say and he clenched his jaw again. " how many times do you want me to say it Mona?" He asked calmly. " until it doesn't fucking hurt anymore, I asked you to leave" I stand up. " sit down" his voice commanded with such authority and I found myself sitting back down.

" I'm sorry M" I paused when he said it. Looking in his green eyes and the sound of his voice he meant it. " are you sorry you got caught or are you so-" I began " I'm sorry I ever did it" he cut me off. " I can see you still need some space but I live here too" I shake my head no. " as a man who's capable of holding not one but two affairs at the same time and based off the line of work you do, you will unfortunately not be able to convince me that you have no where else to stay" i sneer at him. I watched as he slowly stood up and left out the front door.

I had to be strong and as much as I'd love to forgive my husband right away and have him make love to me. Our men needed to be taught a lesson. We were just the women to do it. I waited carefully maybe an hour. That's when I called up my girls. We were smart, hell me and Charity are going to law school and Blue and Ginger are becoming nurses can you believed on the same campus, they first integrated multi degree college campus being established back in 2023 a long time ago.

I took a shower and I leave my bare face on. When I coke downstairs I see charity was the first to arrive her face full of makeup and what appeared to be a new expensive outfit. " I'd that Melano?" I asked pointing to her heels and she nodded. " yeah, we can tell which husband feels the guiltiest" Char said and I nodded. " oh you look.... Expensive" Blue says coming in with Ginger. " yeah, Rio certainly feels the guiltiest from the looks of it" Ginger says.

" ladies I know the last time we said we were gonna Train a husband it was rio with Blue, but we mean it this time, we can actually scare them" I began. I had been thinking about this all morning, and even more when Dre left. " I know it's gonna sound weird but we need to break down in their arms again, release the sadness, so that we can actually show them what they could lose forever " they were silent as the idea sunk in.

" the fact that you know us seeing them again will cause another round of screaming and tears is why I love you" Blue says kissing my cheek and I hug her. I take not that she and I were the ones with no makeup on and Ginger just did minimal makeup, eyebrows done, eyeliner and gloss. " so when does this start?" Ginger inquired and the other girls agreed to do it as well. " tonight, with the mixed signals of us seeming bipolar and now knowing wether we want them to stay of go, it'll keep them on their toes, but they won't be ready for how we start training them just let me know when it's done. Not a text can't have this traced a call and we'll begin the next stage" I say. We all agree and they go home.

I waited until around dinner time and I had cleaned up a bit from the last meltdown before texting my husband and telling him I wanted to talk. Going to the mirror I began to think. We may be in way over our heads if we think we'll be able to pull this off on our husbands. I began to panic so I went to the bathroom and began to try and calm myself down in the mirror. I didn't like the fact I looked so unhinged. " noooo" punching the mirror and the glass shattering everywhere. I slid down to the ground before Dre bust into the room and saw me in shambles yet again. This was his doing, why couldn't they just keep it in their pants? " I'm here, it's okay" he says and I shake my head no." it's not okay, it's not okay"

I say as he held me on the bathroom floor

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I say as he held me on the bathroom floor. " what's not okay talk to me" he says and I throw my head back " everything!" What was he not getting about his actions.

 " what's not okay talk to me" he says and I throw my head back " everything!" What was he not getting about his actions

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" I don't feel like you love me anymore" I reveal and he stands up both up and he lifts my chin so I'm looking at him. " I love you" he sounded like he meant it before he kissed my worries away.

This was only the first part of the plan

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This was only the first part of the plan. " I'm sorry Mona" he says carrying me to our room. I wouldn't let him leave as I just put my head into his chest. He got the hint and climbed into the bed as well. After I calmed down a bit that I was ready for a big step. " I forgive you" I say softly tracing circles in his chest. When he was sleep I called the girls and hang up before they could join the Group FaceTime. My phone rang three more times later that night letting me know they completed the first step as well. The harder parts were yet to come.

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