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Robb's surprise marriage left a bitter taste in most everyone mouth. But we needed to grit our teeth and bear it.
"Harrenhall," I heard mother say as we approached the once grand castle. Everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knew the story of Lord Harren. A massacre second only to the Field of Fire.
Robb was up front while I, along with Rheanys and Visenya, stood towards the back. The soldiers trailed behind getting closer to the cats after getting used to them. Entering the scorched gates I was hit with the smell of blood and death. It had apparently fermented in the sun. Each body told a story in a way. The northern men told one of rage and lambs led to slaughter under the crushing mountain. The southern story was one more expertly written almost eerily clean not a drop of their blood seemed out of place. I dismounted and walk over the carnage catching up to Robb, Lord Bolton, and Mother who had passed me. I, along with Rhenays and Visenya, crouch beside a southern soldier take out my dagger and start examining the corpse.
"Katherine get away," Mother said and I paid her no heed much to her chagrin.
"Escort this woman to a cell," Robb told a soldier as he turned his attention to mother. I don't know if I was supposed to rebel, but I felt nothing so oh well. The blood on the body threw my mind back to the shadow dream. Somehow I could tell this body was old and the body had already started decaying. No wonder the cats didn't want a piece, spoiled things they were.
"A slaughter," Lord Bolton examined the bodies, "Northerners and some southerners. The Mountain isn't a clean killer."
"Lord Bolton, the northmen are evidently killed in a fit of rage. But the southerners are different," I stand up from my grim study, "They are all placed neatly and purposefully. Plus they had already stopped bleeding long before the others."
"So you're saying we have an ally?" Lord Umber asked with hints of hope laced in his words. My attention was drawn by the one of the bannisters that had a dark figure on it. The figure seemed to be made of shadows trailing off its body in wisps.
"Lady Stark?" Lord Umber asked again breaking my attention, "Do we have an ally or not?"
"I am not one to jump to conclusions, but whoever did this only killed Lannister men so take it as you will," I say before looking again to the bannister to find the creature gone.
It was later that night when I was on perimeter with Lady Mormont when she spoke.
"I wasn't going to say this in front of the men, but who do you think killed those Lannisters?"
"Why would you not ask that in front of the men?" I ask in return.
"Because I have a theory that would send some running back to their holds locking the gate behind them, no matter what little good that would do," Lady Mormont's axe quickly caught the moon light for a mere second, "Have you heard of the Faceless men Katherine?"
"Yes I remember a Measter Luwin secretly reading me stories about the dark things the east held," I answer.
"What kind of Measter?" Lady Mormont answered a little shocked, "But no matter. I heard from some of the soldiers that there is rumors of a faceless in Westeros."
"That begs the question which side are they on. From the slaughterhouse they made of the Lannisters I would guess ours but," I started.
"But a faceless man goes which ever way gold flows," Lady Mormont interjected sternly, "and the Lannisters have so much gold it's in their hair." Lady Mormont was right the Lannisters were practically baked with gold. But, if the Lannisters hired a faceless man that begs the question why kill the soldiers of your commanders.
"Lady Mormont I am going to walk the perimeter," I take my bow from my shoulder, "Can you handle this part?"
"Yes Lady Katherine and be careful especially if," Lady Mormont warned me. I hold up my hand and nod respectfully.
The night still and quiet. Standing at the border of the orange torchlight were the darkness was no longer afraid. In that darkness I felt a a pull, a pull to go into it and hunt until my final day. Looking down in the middle of my feet a saw a familiar shape. A paw print, not Greywind's and the hound's, this one was feline. A feline of grand size, so I examined it closer crouching and putting my hand in it. It took both my hands to fill the center.
Chills ran down my neck despite the warm night. My blood ran cold and I saw eyes in the darkness. My eyes locked with the ones in the darkness and the cold faded. I stayed crouched not breaking the stare we held.
"Katherine," I spun around and pounced onto the person behind me bringing them to the ground, "Ouch."
It was Robb, his face was smiling apparently unhurt
"Robb," I get up and help him up, "What do you want?"
"I came to release you, your cats are unsettling the soldiers," He tells me and ushers a soldier to come forward and take my place.
"Thank you," I look back to the forest and the eyes are gone, "Release Lady Mormont she's been out here longer."
"Already done, now it's just you," The soldier addressed me. I do need to go tend to Rheanys and Visenya.
"Okay," I sling my bow over my shoulder and walk towards camp. Ready to sleep.

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