Dragons in the East

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After Robb was crowned King in the North I received some alarming news.
Daenerys Targaryen has hatched dragons in Essos. After reading I burn the letter making sure I only know about the ordeal. Robb would want to make an alliance but seeing as her father was at war with mine, I don't see that ending well.
"Katherine what are doing?" Mother walks in just as the letter hits the fire.
"Burning some old letters from the Tyrells," I lie hoping the letter is ashes before she notices the Spider's stamp.
Aside from Margeary, Lord Varys has recruited me as one of his spies. In turn he would report anything of importance to me.
"Well I came to inform you that your brother has sent me to make an alliance with Lord Renly in the South," Mother tells me.
"Oh mother," I run to embrace her, "I don't want you to leave." Tears began to form at the thought of mother leaving again.
"Well I have a duty to my family and your brother is the King after all," Mother consoles me wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Have safe travels," I tell her and hug her one last time.
"Robb!" I storm into the war tent, "Leave now! I need a minute with me brother." The Lords walk away.
"Good luck," Lord Umber tells Robb
"You're gonna need it," Theon piped up.
"Shut your trap Greyjoy before I send Lord Balon your eyes," I pull my dagger slightly out of its sheath.
"I'm already headed there so no need, milady," Theon jests back making my blood boil.
"What?" I look at Robb with daggers for eyes, "First you send mother away, then you send this kraken to his father so he can launch another rebellion!"
Theon jogs out the tent leaving only Robb and me.
"I was going to tell you," Robb starts.
"Don't give me those lies," I was blinded by rage I didn't notice my hypocrisy in the moment.
"You need to understand Stannis is sending ravens everywhere trying to rally the houses behind him. I merely need Renly and Theon to make sure the south stays out of the north for good. With the Greyjoy fleet and both armies we would be finally left alone," Robb reasons with me.
"Your claim has credibility but," I start.
"Why not send you? Instead of mother," Robb takes the words from my mouth.
"Yes. Why?" I ask.
"Simple you are needed on the field of battle. Your skill is something we need to win the upcoming battles. I could not afford to risk losing you when you passed through the south," Robb tells me with a serious expression and a hint of sincerity in his voice.
"So you though it better to risk mother!" I yell loud enough for the entire camp to hear.
"She is being escorted by some of the best trained soldiers we have," Robb assures my anger and worried self.
"Still," I try to make an argument.
"Still what," Robb stands up.
"She better make it there safely or I swear," I storm out muttering curses.
I throw open my tent and grab my bow.
I spend the following night shooting arrows and throwing daggers at the nearby trees.

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