Call me boy again

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"The scouts support that Lord Tywin moves north. We need to get him on broken ground put his knights at a disadvantage," I tell the lords studying the map.

"No we get around him and break Jaime Lannister's siege at Riverrun. Do that and the Riverlords will join us," the same big boned lord corrects me. I was a little shocked at his rebuttal, but gathered myself and remembered I'm not some lady of Winterfell anymore.

"To do either we'll need to cross the river, and the only way to cross is through the Twins," Robb tells us both.

"Lord Frey controls that bridge your father's bannermen," Theon informs Robb.

"The Late-Lord Frey my father calls him," mother snarks causing me and the lord who opposed me to grin, "At the Trident he didn't appear until the battle was done. Some men take their oaths more seriously than others."

"Robbs right we need that bridge," I tell the lords.

"So what'll it be? Do we move against Jaime or Lord Tywin?" the heavy set lord asks. Then everyone turns to see some knights dragging in a Lannister scout.

"Your pardon my lords we've captured a Lannister scout," the men inform us. Theon quickly covers the map.

"No worry lad he won't be leaving this tent with his head," the same lord tells him.

"Where by you find him?" I ask before Robb could.

"In the brush around the encampment. He looked to be counting," the soldier responds. Robb moves forward and stands right in his face.

"How high did you get?" Robb asks rather intimidatingly.

"Twenty-thousand maybe more," he responds.

"You don't have to do this your self," a lord with his side burns braided together to make a beard, "Your father would understand..."

"My father would understands mercy when there is room for it," Robb cuts him off, "and he understands honor and courage. Let him go." Robb what in Westeros are you playing at.

"Robb," mother stands up. He gives her a stern look and she returns to her seat.

"Tell Lord Tywin winter is coming for him twenty-thousand northerners marching south to see if he really does s$#t gold," Robb whispers in his ear.

"Yes milord. Thank you milord," he responds nd is dragged out.

"Are you touched boy. Letting him go," the heavy lord asks which causes me to release some of my held-in rage.

"Call me boy again," Robb tells his deadpanned. The lord moves closer that's when I snap.

"Go on, call him boy again and you'll not see morning," I tell him clutching a loose arrow ready to plant it.

After a few seconds of silence the lord leaves and grunts in aggravation.

"Well anyone else?" I asks waving the arrow around the tent, "Good."

"Lord Frey will extract a price for crossing his bridge," mother tells us.

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