Father and Jon Leave

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After a pleasant few days of the Baratheons in Winterfell father announced that he was Robert's new Hand. That he would be leaving for King's Landing by next fortnight. He would be taking Arya and Sansa.
Jon also announced that he would be leaving to join the Knight's Watch. Leaving only Robb, Bran, Rickon, mother, and me. I wiped away a tear and smiled through the pain of my family leaving.
The day of father's departure was here. I met Jon before he left. A few months back him and I bought Arya a tiny sword, a needle really, we both knew her want to learn sword fighting so we bought her a Valyrian steel sword.
"Arya may you stop packing for a minute me and Jon have a present for you," I say in her doorway.
"First look I thought Nymeria to fetch. Nymeria bring me my pants," she tried to persuade the adolescent dire wolf.
"I'm sure she'll get it eventually. But like sister said we have a gift," Jon said bringing in a small case.
"Open it before mother comes," I tell her sitting on the bed Nymeria resting her head in my lap.
"I love it!" She proclaims.
"It's real valerian steel, and as you know every great sword needs a name," I respond.
"I don't think that counts as a sword, more like a needle," Jon puts his two cents in.
"That's perfect! Needle is it's name," Arya answers hugging Jon then me, "thank you both."
"Your welcome, now finish your packing," Jon tells her. With her present delivered I walk out of her room holding back tears at the thought of my little squire will soon leave.
No tears Katherine, Sansa still has to get her present and I'd rather not explain the tear marks.
Drying my eyes I run to my room and grab Sansa's present. The sister who may be the future queen needs a crown.
I find Sansa getting her hair braided by mother who immediately asks what I'm doing.
"Nothing mother. Simply came to give my little sister a going away gift, don't worry it's good enough for a lady," I remark and reveal and crown of silver branches with leaves at the front.
"Oh my, Katherine why did you do this?" Sansa surprised words make me smile.
"Katherine it's beautiful, where did you get this?" Mother asks in shock.
"Simple I found your crown and got a blacksmith to make one with some alterations," I respond to both questions.
Mother finishes Sansa's hair and tells her, "Go one try it on, I'm sure it will look gorgeous on you,"
"Yes it will, but I got this a little big so you'll have to grow into it. I still want you to keep it. Think of it as a family heirloom and one day it'll adorn your pretty face," I tell her.
"It will I'll wear it at mine and Joffrey's wedding," Sansa's giddy words where flowing from her. I gritted my teeth at the thought of my sister marrying that blonde demon child.
Father was barely gone for more than a month, when we received news of Lady's execution. Curtesy of Queen Cersei and her blonde prince.
"Robb!" I yelled storming down the hall letter in a vice grip.
"Tell me that cockroach and his blonde beast of a mother did not kill Sansa's Lady. Tell me that it was an accident, because this letter makes my froth with anger!" I yell livid with rage.
"No the Queen did not butcher Sansa's dire wolf," Robb starts, "It was actually Nymeria who mauled the prince,"
"The brat deserves every ounce of pain that bite delivered," I interrupted.
"When Nymeria was no where to be found the Queen demanded that a wolf die for hurting her son," Robb picks up again, "There is a bright side sort of. Father reluctantly killed Lady. According to him she was from the North and didn't deserve a butcher. Plus to keep Lady's coat from Cersei father sent her remains to us, to bury."
"Okay thank you. I still think Nymeria should have killed that blonde demoness and her spawn," I comment rage boiling with anger.
We receive Lady's body and bury her in the crypt with the rest of the Starks.
"The Lannisters will not kill another Northerner without retribution," I say at Lady's funeral my stern words made even mother smile.

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