A Funeral and Something Dark

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We rode for Riverrun for about two days and the men's moral was not high. The funeral started fine till uncle decided to show his "archery" skills.
Me and Robb giggled but mother and great-uncle, Brynden, were not amused.
Next was a meeting between us and our Tully relatives. I had already got the jump on it as Varys sent me word that our uncle, in his brilliance, disobeyed Robb's orders. Both of which where currently in a meeting, which I was stomping my way to.
"You idiot!" I yelled out towards uncle Edmure.
"She may be young, buts she's right," Uncle Brynden agreed with a small grin.
"Katherine why do you call our uncle a idiot?" Robb level headed asked.
"He undermined your plan to make The Mountain chase our force into an ambush. He took a worthless mill rather than letting Tywin's war hungry dog play right into our hands!" My anger boiled over and over.
"We took hostages Willam Lannister, Martin Lannister," Edmure tried to reason by after my remark Robb was done.
"Willam and Martin are fourteen years old," Robb still with a calm face said, but it didn't take a maester to see anger running wild behind his eyes.
"Martin us fifteen I believe," Uncle Brynden said taking Edmure out by the preverbal knees.
"Great a worthless mill and some worthless Lannister sons. That Tywin could give two shits less about," The grin planted on my face was as fake as Edmure's strategic brain.
"The Lannisters have my sisters have I sued for peace?" Robb starts, the Young Wolf was hunting, "Do you think Tywin will sue for peace because you have his father's brother's grandsons?"
"No," Edmure now looked helpless as Robb had him by the balls.
"How many men did you lose?" I speak up sitting on the table running my fingers through Rheanys's fur. Visenya was somewhere around, probably by mother who was still grieving her father.
"Two hundred and eight, but for every man we lost," Edmure tried.
"WE NEED OUR MEN MORE THAN TYWIN NEEDS HIS!" Robb bellowed making Rheanys tense up and me with her.
"I'm sorry I didn't know," Edmure tried again.
"Ignorance, no matter how large, is no excuse," I say and Edmure turns to me daggers in his eyes. But upon seeing Rheanys, who he missed when she slipped in, the daggers lost their edge.
"You would have at this meeting if you had been patient," Robb calmly scolded him.
"We seem to be running short of patience here," Uncle Brynden spoke up. He turn to Edmure.
"Yes as well as the ability to see the bigger picture," I get off the table and walk towards Robb.
"You know who isn't running short of patience, Tywin Lannister," Robb spoke looking at the horizon.
"Katherine I would like to speak with you about," Uncle Brynden caught me bow in hand and shadows at my side, "Your recent pets."
"Alright what about them do you want to talk about?" I sit on a nearby couch.
"Well your mother," Uncle Brynden started, but I already had enough.
"Mother is mad with grief and even then Bran was her 'favorite' child," I almost growl at my uncle. Rheanys and Visenya both tucked their ears' a sign that they shared in my unhappiness.
"Your mother is still your mother! And she as well as me and others are worried your new pets are doing nothing but feeding something dark inside you!" Uncle Brynden stood in front of me anger dominant in his posture.
I stood in return eyes fixed in his.
"Maybe that something was is who I really am and I finally get to embrace it," I state with a calm expression running my fingers through Visenya's fur before I turn away wanting nothing more than to kill something. Who knows if I'm lucky a Lannister scout may have ventured a little too far a field.

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