Lady Brienne

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I had heard some rumor of Renly's passing, but never paid them any heed. Apparently that was wrong. Mom and Robb were discussing what to do now and Robb wanted to introduce her to Talisa. I did not want to be near when that canister of wildfire was lit. So I asked Lady Brienne to a walk around.
"So milady if you don't mind me asking why are you fighting, instead of staying at Winterfell?"
"Lord Bolton asked the same question not long ago," I tell Brienne walking away from mom and Robb's tent, "You see like you I never wanted to be a lady sitting around raising children."
"So instead you raise two cubs, both of which are more deadly than a child," she mocks me.
"Well I guess I can't shake some mothering traits," I answer.
"Well nonetheless you never fully answered my question. Why fight, I know my reasons, but you would have grown rich and powerful," she tells me.
"See I never felt comfortable inside the stone walls of Winterfell. I always felt at home in the wilderness, the chaos of it all," I begin to remember the times I spent hours lost in the woods, "I guess the chaos of battle in a way makes me feel whole. Besides they are holding my family hostage and I would die before someone told me I had to stay while they go get them."
We walked for a little bit more Brienne studied the men as they passed and looked what I can only guess was unimpressed. The men said words as we walked past and so did the other lords, yet they all seemed quite unnerved when it came to me. The birds sang a song not sweet, but haunting in fact. Maybe the gods wanted to mark Renly's death with this melody maybe not. Either way the song was, well I can't explain it other than death. I seemed as if someone was taking their last breath as the chorus of winds whistled lifting the breath. Quite morbid, though I've always had a flare for the more darker things.
After mine and Brienne's walk I left towards my tent to ready myself for a hunt. My bow made of mahogany and strung with woven spider silk was being used as Rheanys's claw sharpener.
"Rheanys!" I scold her and yank her away.
Thankfully not any major damage, just some not very deep scratches. Then as I'm slinging my bow across my leather armor a raven flys in from what I assume is Winterfell.
Reading it I find out that Prince Theon decided to take Winterfell, but there is more. I read more and more until my anger turns to utter brokenness upon reading the last line.
"No. No! It can't be. They can't be. Robb!" I yell and try to calm myself through the tears. I hear the stomping of boot and dry my eyes. Rising to my feet I meet Robb the opening with a dagger pointed at his throat. No intention to use it, but I was so hurt and broken I just wanted to hurt something. From the look in his eye at the sight of my blade gave me that.
"Katherine please what's gotten into you," Robb says. Suddenly the rage fades away and only leaves tears. My knees go weak and my hand meet the ground as I fall. What was I doing pulling a blade on my brother some of the only family I had left.
"WHY?" I scream.
"Why what? What is it?" He asks I grip the letter harder, but release it to him.
"No they are alive," he reasons the doubt very present in his voice.
"Why didn't you tell me," I asks I only hear mumbles and stutters, I slap Robb across the face, "Why did you not tell me about Theon? I would have ridden to Winterfell faster than any other man. Rickon and Brandon would still be alive," I get up walk away with my bow ready to hunt. Fueled by rage and grief, bloodshed was my only solution to the pain.

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