Father's Dead

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It was early morning I was recovering from celebrating the fight yesterday when I got the message.
"Lady Katherine, a letter from Kong's Landing," a boy comes running up to me.
"Okay thank you," I accept the letter and sit back down to read it.
"What! He can't be! Robb!" I cried falling to my knees, as I read the words Lord Eddard Stark was executed, beheaded.
"Ahhhhh!" I screamed again standing to my feet. I began to sling to contents of my tent in a mix of rage and grief. I can barely see through my tears and rage.
"Katherine?" Robb bursts in my tent holding me up.
"He's dead Robb, father, dad," I cry to him.
Robb also begins to tear up and without saying a word leaves.
"Katherine what's wrong with Robb.." mother bursts as Robb leaves and sees me collapsed on the floor.
"Oh my girl, what's wrong?" Mother asks again as I point my knife at the letter. Mom reads it and collapsed. Seeing my family in this much pain awakens something in me.
I rise to my feet and runs out of my tent.
I see Jaime's cell and don't think twice. I sprint towards him and sling open the gate.
"Well if it isn't the She-Wolf herself," he jests but it falls on deaf ears. I take out my knives and fear dashes across his face.
"Your family tore mine apart. In return I'm going to break yours," I whisper in his ear and I feel his heart start racing. I press my dagger against his throat and ready myself to pin him to the board via his trachea.
Suddenly I'm yanked away from behind as Jaime breathes in relief.
"Let me go! Or I'll send Lord Tywin his and your head!" I yell in rage as the person behind me laughs.
"Oh really now girly," Lord Umber sets me down and slams the cell door shut, "If you can get past me then you can gut Jaime here from stem to sternum."
I don't even respond only move. I dash towards him and slash violently missing every swing.
"You done now," Lord Umber grabs my wrist and pulls the blade from my hand.
"You're off balance, angry. Your mind is clouded," he tells me surprisingly wise.
"When did you become a maester," I tell him holding my second blade to his throat. He pushes me away and I lose grip on my knife.
It stabs into the ground and we both look at it and then each other.
I dive for the knife as he dives for me. I yank it out of the ground and throw my legs to his skull. Rolling backwards I swoop my leg and try to trip him. He stays steadfast yanks me into the air by my arm and holds me still. Then he turns me around and shows me.
My brother slamming his sword against a tree tears rolling down his face. Mother kneeling against a tree for support. My heart shatters, Lord Umber sets me down and looks me in the eye pushing my mess of hair back.
"I'm sorry for your father, but killing Jaime won't get even. It will only give them a reason to kill your sisters," Lord Umber's words cut deep. In my rage and grief I forgot my sisters. They where likely there watching I can't imagine. I tilted back my face and contain myself.
"Your right the way to get even is to get my sisters back. Then I will personally slaughter every single Lannister starting with Joffrey!" I stare down Lord Umber who looks a little startled but doesn't let me see it.
"That's the spirit," he responds.
"Yeah, and if they touch a hair on Arya or Sansa head they'll have to rename the The Red Keep to The Ash Heap," I walk away picking up my knifes towards Robb and mother.

Sorry for not updating, again.
I will have the next chapter out ASAP.
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