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"Mother what might I ask are you doing waking me up before the sun is at its apex?" I ask irritation seeping into my words. The woman rushed into my room and pulled away my sheets and threw me a dress and said get ready.
"The Baratheon's are on their way to Winterfell and I would rather not have my daughters look like court jesters," she responds coldly.
We practiced for what felt like hours but in reality was only a few minutes. We stopped for a moment when father's squire ,Theon Greyjoy, catcalled me in the middle of my formal bow.
"Theon if you don't stop spying my body then an arrow is going to replace your Greyjoys," I tell him without batting an eyelid.
"Like you would have the gall to harm me," he jokingly answers.
"What makes you think that?" Robb my older brother walks up to Theon with Jon not far behind. Despite mother's misconceptions about Jon he doesn't deserve her treatment.
"You know Theon for someone who's life at Winterfell depends on the Starks you know how to get on their nerves," Jon comments. It's really nice knowing Robb and Jon are always watching out for me.
"Another thing Theon," I begin before he cuts me off.
"Yes your grace," he responds.
"If you want to impress father by first being his squire so you can get close enough to ask for me being a little sneak won't help," I finish turning around flashing a cheeky smirk.
"Robb I need you all to practice your line up," mother gestures us to her.
"Oldest to youngest, Robb first, Katherine second, Sansa third, you got it," Father joins in taking over for mom.
"Father may I be excused?" I curtsy him.
"You have my leave as do the rest of ya," he responds evidently catching on to my little ploy. I bolt off toward my room where my bow was waiting.
My archery training was a secret the Starks kept under wraps. It wasn't "proper" for a lady to learn combat, how cliche.
"Your a better shot than Arya, maybe even Robb," Father walks towards me with a hint of a smile.
"Well who do you thing taught Arya to make that shot," I say knocking another arrow ready to take aim.
"Katherine you were always my most beautiful daughter, but every proposal, every dowery you've turned away, why?" Father asks making my arrow fly early, barely making it on the target.
"It's quite simple father I like being wild and untamed. Similar to the dire wolf I gave Arya," I answer trying to control my emotions. Father was right every suitor who asks for me I ruthlessly turn away. Only one has managed to stay, Theon Greyjoy. Got to admit he was clever, came under the guise of a squire only to propose later. But I can handle the would be sailer King.
"Jamie Lannister will be here tomorrow, father?" I question him pulling my arrows from the target.
"Yes, Jaime Lannister will be here. Yes he may propose, I only hope your rejection of him won't start a war," Father dreads. Suddenly I hear Bran yelling something and I see mother come running.
"They're here!" She begins getting everyone in order.
"Give your father the bow Katherine," mother says walking by.
"Here you go now let me find Robb I have to stand next to him," I run off in a tiny panic. I wasn't really going to get Robb I was finding Arya and Sansa. Arya because she could get up to anything and Sansa because I remember a raven from a while ago about her and Joffrey being "betrothed" unofficially.

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