The News of Baratheons

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  Me and Arya are sitting in the sewing class while we hear who I can assume is Bran missing every arrow.
Sansa gets praised about her sewing I look at Arya and grin.
"I'm a bit peckish, what about you Arya?" I ask standing up.
"I could go for a sweet roll," Arya responds. We walk out of the room and dart toward the training grounds. As we reach the outside I tell Arya, "Go under mother and father and stay hidden. Until you hear Jon and Robb then listen and loose and make a bullseye,"
I walk to where mother and father are standing waiting for Arya to make her shot.
"Katherine what are you doing not in sewing class?" Mother sternly asks
"I got bored and plus I heard Brandon miss his shots and knew watching Jon and Robb try and teach him would be more fun," I respond leaning on the wooden railing. I hear Robb and Jon begin to talk to Bran and grin cheekily.
"What's go you so happy today my Katherine?" Father inquired about my smile.
"Oh nothing just enjoying the show," as if perfectly timed with my words Arya loses an arrow.
"Perfection Arya," I elatedly announce.
The three boys turn around to find Arya, who I can imagine basks in the limelight. Suddenly Bran takes of toward her causing me to laugh.
"I should have known you where up to something Katherine. You always have a trick.," Mother tried to hold back a smile.
"She had help mother," Robb tells mother.
"You and Arya are two of the worst trouble makers I've ever had the pleasure of seeing," I ready myself for scolding, "But it's always a pleasure to see the chaos you two cause," Mother reluctantly states.
"Go fetch Bran, he's going with me," Father tells me as he finishes talking to a messenger who walked up while I was talking to mother.
"Yes father," I say walking away.
I find Bran chasing Arya around the chef's table.
"I swear you two would tear each other apart like ravenous wolves if we were peasants," I remark, "Bran father wants you. Your going on a little escapade with him and the boys," Bran walks away leaving me and Arya in the kitchen.
"Arya I want you to go pull that arrow out of the target. It'll be a memory of when we bested the family," I tell her.
I walk away from the kitchen and toward the gate to way my siblings and father goodbye. When I exit the castle door a raven lands on the wall. I run to it climbing the ladder and beating the servant to it.
"What's the rush my lady?" he asks
"If you must know me and Margaery Tyrell have been sending ravens back and forth keeping each other up to date on everything in the seven kingdoms," I respond
I open the latter and read it.
"Oh! Mother!" I exclaim dropping the letter and running ten times as fast as before. No, no, no. Why now? Jon Aryn is dead and the Baratheons are coming to Winterfell.

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