The Huntress

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I arrived back at Riverrun with cats close behind, to meet Robb. He stood with letter in-hand and a childish smirk across his face.
"Well if it isn't my daring sister and her pets back from her nighttime hunt," Robb walked towards me slight jump in each step.
"Did Talisa give you a morning kiss?" Tiredly I asked him.
"No, but I did receive news that made my day," Robb stopped in front of me cutting me off, "And Talisa is taking care of the Lannister cousins."
"Cousins Lord Tywin could give two shits less about, should have just killed them and the idiot who captured them," I take the letter from him and begin to read.
"We can not just kill family," Robb tells me.
"Why not," I keep reading the letter, "And who is The Huntress?"
I hand the letter back to him, but he rejects it.
"You are," He gestures to my bloody clothes, and in response I raise an eyebrow, "Apparently you in your hunts you have cut down Lannisters men, which you have failed mentioned before."
"I had no need in mentioning it to you, no one ever escaped and next time we face them in the field Rhaenys and Visenya have a taste for Lannister men," I walk past him trying to finish our conversation.
"Well this brings up the question of how do they know it is you killing their men?" Robb asked putting a hand on his hip, "You clearly are not as efficient a huntress as you've thought."
I slowly turn back around locking eyes with my brother and slightly tilting my head.
"And perhaps you, oh Great Lord Robb Stark, are in no place to judge me when you broke a marriage vow," I put my hand on my hip, "Something that could turn around and bite us in the ass, as you've clearly shown your word to be honorable."
I leave him with my parting words and walk towards my chambers. I was in desperate need of sleep. Rhaenys and Visenya had already beat me and were lounging about the place sleeping without a care in the world.
My sleep was dreamless, for once but was ruined. A firm hand shook me slightly and assuming it was a servant mother sent I swatted it away. But the hand stayed ever firmly placed upon me.
"Lady Katherine," A deeper rugged voice called.
"Lord Umber?" I turned towards him, "Go away, or I'll feed you to my cats." My threat was half-hearted and groggy. I had no intentions of feeding the two mangy animals Lord Umber, because well they prefer southern men.
"It will be hard to do that after they've been bribed with venison," He words made me slowly look over to see them both devouring thick slices of meat.
"So that's how you gained entry," I rose still in my hunting garments, stained with blood.
"Yes," Lord Umber took a few steps back to allow me to remove myself from the bed.
"So what are you doing here Lord Umber? I do hope you are not proposing a marriage," I giggled slightly.
"No, but you would only be so lucky to marry an Umber," He giggled back, "I am here about your more unladylike...,"
"STOP!" I throw my hand up and Visenya lept onto my bed brushing against my arm to try and pet her, "The activities I indulge in are not unlawful during wartime so I see no reason why you, brother, mother, and uncle all have a problem with them. The Lannisters do not have any qualms about killing northerners so what reason in all the Seven Kingdoms do I have to give a flying fuck about killing Lannister men."
"I am not here to discuss your habits," Lord Umber crosses his arm and looks to Rhaenys as she rubs herself against his legs.
"Then why bring them up?" I ask titling my head.
"I have seen you fight and noticed you rely too much on ambush. Leaving you vulnerable to opponents already on alert." Lord Umber remarked causing me to reflect on previous skirmishes. I remembered the man who first gave me trouble during our very first conflict with the Lannister men.
"Maybe but most men are already taken off-guard when a woman pounces into battle." I reason trying to avoid more training and gain more sleep.
"Not for long, especially when news reaches Tywin of your involvement. He will inform all his generals and men about the presence of a lady on the field." Lord Umber counter reasoned.
"Okay so what do you want to do?" I ask groaning already regretting my decision.
"Train you," Lord Umber answered, "I have fought with you before and seen you in the heat of battle. You are surprisingly adept at combat, but as I already mentioned you are lacking on one-on-one combat. You rely on holding advantage of surprise when fighting."
"Alright no need to kick a lady while she's down," I cut him off, "I'll meet you in the gods-wood when I am appropriately dressed for combat."

Sorry for the wait. But I finally have this chapter finished and the next one will hopefully be out soon. Also lmk if y'all would like a short break chapter, cause I have something in mind for a chapter away from Katherine.

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