A Single Shadow

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I was still angry from Robb withholding information from me. If I had stayed in the camp any longer I don't know what I would have done.
A stick broke in the distance. I freeze and listen. Looking around I see a single man in red armor. He looked scared. Like a fawn waiting on its mother. To bad I took aim and focused all my anger, my hatred in the point of my arrow.
"Ahhhhhhh!" He rang out as my arrow flew straight to his lung. I ran towards him and lunged. We fell to the ground and rolled. As we rolled I pulled out my arrow. I gave him a quick kiss and planted my arrow in his spine.
"So sad," I mocked, "Now if I want my cats to kill my enemy they might want to taste them." I carved into the man and pull out his heart, a section of lung, and his throat. Putting them in a bag I leave the body to the scavengers. His blood had covered my hands tips to elbow.
I was about halfway back when the sun set.
"Great. Now here I am in the middle of the woods with human meat." I scold myself before realizing something. I'm being followed. Not close enough to see me, but I hadn't seen the blood dripping from the bag.
"Seven Hells!" I turn towards the nearest tree and scale it. The bloody bag I slung on a higher branch than myself, but still in reach.
"What ya think killed him?" I heard a voice, but no face to go with.
"I dunno ,the dire wolf." A second answered. Silly man. I draw my daggers as their footsteps draw closer, but I look just a few yards and see I'm not the only one hunting them. A shadow was crouched not far from my tree. "Grrrrr," it let out a low growl that let me know it saw me. Those eyes, of amethyst sent a shiver down my spine unlike anything I felt before. I turned the two soldiers as they wandered aimlessly towards their death. The shadow slinked towards them a quiet symbol of death. With a flash of pearly white fangs it sprang on the two. One fell instantly I didn't realize until after it moved towards the second that he had a chunk taken out of his throat. The second it seemed to play with. Swatting away his sword and dagger as if they were mere inconveniences. He begged and pleaded with all the gods old and new in some pathetic attempt to spare him. Sad really.
It let out a low rumble that I somehow knew meant 'run'. He obeyed and turned around filling the woods his screams. The beast looked above at me with a look an assassin gave to a fellow killer, a look of respect of mutual understanding. It did nothing to ease the fear that coursed through me, if anything it scared me even more. Suddenly the beast sharpened its eyes towards the running man's screams and at full pelt gave chase. Sounds of paws hitting the ground came to a stop, but were followed by a crunch that silenced the screams. My heart beat like one does before beheading and I didn't want to leave the tree. I didn't the whole night I remained terrified of its strength, it's speed, it's size, and above every thing else it's intellect. That was what scared me the most of all. It toyed with a man like well how a cat toys with yarn.
Even if it gave me a look of respect I had no urge to leave that tree.
"How does one animal posses that much power?" I asked myself still a little shaky. Suddenly not that far off I heard the beast. It let out a roar that I never will forget. A roar of death incarnate of a god made flesh. I didn't sleep that night to say the least.

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