The Lannister and Marriage

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Aside from dream the rest of my day went by smoothly. Until Jaime Lannister killed Lord Karstark's son. Then Robb had to keep Karstark from killing Jaime. Lady Brienne was instructed to keep me away from Jaime. Lord Umber kept me busy with hunting and I sparred with Lord Bolton. Eventually I even managed to train Rheaneys and Visenya to attack on command. Lord Bolton didn't appreciate them scarring some of his men, Lord Umber and Brienne though couldn't help but laugh. I received another note from Lord Varys about the Targaryen girl in Essos along with news of suspicious disappearances around Drift Mark.
Then it happened.
"Mother!" I burst into her tent, "Where is Jaime Lannister and Brienne?" I woke that morning to find Brienne gone along with Jaime and heard the Lords saying that mother released them.
"Mother decided to release him," Robb sat at the end of her table. For once he was quite I jumped a little when I heard him. I heard his knuckles crack beneath his chin as he stared down mother.
"To trade Jaime Lannister for the girls!" Mother yelled in protest.
"Mother what stops them from killing all three of them!" I yell that same white hot rage that I had suppressed for the mean time was creeping out again.
"They will return the girls to us in exchange for Jaime Lannister," mother rose from her seat and that usually meant end of discussion, but I just stormed out.
"You seriously aren't going to let them get away are you?" I ask Robb stopping him as we walk away from mother's tent.
"No I've already had Lord Bolton send some of his men to bring them back," he answers, but something drew his mind away. After years of living with him I could always tell when Robb's mind wandered.
"Get your mind off Talisa," I hold his chin so that he looked directly at me, "We are at war and you, I say again, are bound to marry a Frey."
His eyes fixed on me he nodded and walked away. He's going to get us killed because of her.
The next night I was out hunting when I saw torch light. I hid for fear of enemy soldiers but the light never moved. So I moved closer. Rheanys crept beside, her paws seemed nonexistent as they silently carried her. Visenya leaping through the canopy, not as quite as her sister, seemed to almost fly in the trees.
I gave a sharp whistle and Rheanys took the lead slithering by tree trunks. Visenya kept pace and pounced from limb to limb. I followed putting my bow on my back. They both stopped suddenly lowering their bodies from the feint moonlight I could see Rheanys's muscles set into place. She was crouched down ready to bound forward. Above I saw Visenya flicking her tail while the rest of her sat motionless. From our distance I could see what appeared to be three figures two were male one was female. Both Rheanys's and Visenya's ears folded back ready for my command.
I gave a soft whistle they recognized as spread. Rheanys stayed low moving to the left, Visenya didn't move. I somehow knew she knew that her moving would create noise. So I moved to the right. From across the way a could see the gleam of Rheanys's emerald eyes slowly closing the distance.
I gave a third whistle this one loud and sharp.
"Ahhhhh!" I heard the woman scream as Rheanys sprinted full pelt toward her. A ring of metal as one man drew a sword at Visenya descent from the tree. I ran toward the man with a sword, stupid I know, and drew my daggers.
"Grrrrr," Visenya let out a sound that sounded like bones grinding against rock. The man was distracted and I pounced on him. His big fur coat offered little protection, but gave me extra weight needed to bring him down. Visenya leaped over my head and tackled the other man. She didn't make the kill though she merely bared her pearly canines that gleamed in the torch light. Rheanys only moved closer to the woman which was all it took for her to fall from fright.
"Call them off, for my wife!" I heard the man I had pinned yell. Letting my eyes adjust to the light, I saw Robb pinned with my dagger under his chin. I managed to pierce the skin letting his blood trace the blade's edge.
"Robb!" I yelled withdrawing my weapon. This was enough for Rheanys and Visenya to disengage.
"Katherine!" Robb rose to his feet and I kicked him his sword. I felt anger, which was something I was getting accustomed to, as well as embarrassment.
"What are you doing out here?" He questioned. He knew I hunted as we traveled so that question was stupid. Though I had his reason for being here when I saw her and remembered the words he spoke earlier.
"Better question why are you getting married to her?" I point to Talisa still staring at Rheanys who walked towards me, Visenya did the same.
"We are getting married for love," Talisa spoke up. I gave a whistle and Rheanys turned around shutting up Talisa.
"I get getting married for love, but you have a duty," Robb now moved over to Talisa putting himself between her and Rheanys, "But, Robb you have swore to marry a Frey. I have to do the same. Do I like it no, but I will bite my tongue, and maybe kill him in his sleep."
I know I should not have said that but I was too mad to care.
"Katherine I love her and she loves me," Robb pleads. I give a final whistle and leave with my cats in tow. My nightly hunt ruined.

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