Scalping Scouts

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The night was one without a moon. Without light. I stalked through the forest, cats to my left and right. We moved in sync, by accident actually. Each step silent and deliberate. I felt every pump of my heart in my chest. After all my nightly adventures my eyes seemed to adjust to darkness quite well. Even without the moon I saw somewhat clearly. Already I had an arrow at the ready. My thoughts were pointed and sharp. I wanted something to move. I wanted to shoot, to kill something.
We skulked through the woods for what felt like hours. The cats started to venture on their own, a little ahead of me. Clearly they wanted to hunt as much as I did.
A twig broke under something's weight. Directly to the northeast of us. The steps were not stealthy. They stomped like a cow in the mud. A trio of men, one had a torch. Visenya and Rheanys without orders moved into position. I put my body against a nearby tree. Drawing my bow I aimed for the hand that held their light.
Focusing my anger into the arrow point, I struck the wrist. Torch dropped and now panicked, the cats made their move.
"GRAAAAHHH!" I saw one leap from the brush and pounce the injured one. He tried to scream but Visenya's jaws clamped around his throat silenced him.
"Now the next one," I set my bow to the ground and drew my daggers. Rheanys pounced another from beside a tree.
"AHHHH!" He screamed as her claws dug into his back. He tried to crawl away, scraping at the mud, tears running down his face. But he couldn't escape her, she drug him back to forest. Up a tree she went with him and Visenya drug her prize away as well. Leaving one me with mine. Who ran. But I kept pace.
"Help!" I cut my palm rubbing blood across my face, I cut my clothes and muddy them as well.
"Help please! Shadowcats ambush!" I stumbled on too the path.
"They just killed my men," the soldier took me aside, "But their belly's are full so we might be okay."
I fell into his arms and 'cried'.
"Ahhh!" I 'cried'.
"Now calm down. Or else you might draw their attention," He sternly said before slapping me across the face. When his hand hit me face something snapped.
"AAAAHHH!" I thrust a dagger into his throat. And repeatedly stabbed his throat. He fell holding his throat, his last breath escaping.
"Poor, poor girl alone in the woods," I smiled down at him as fear ran across his face, "Just waiting for someone to rescue her!" I pounced onto him and planted both daggers in his eyes. I couldn't stop myself and I didn't want to. Again and again I shoved my daggers into his skull.
The walk back to camp was a long one. I grew thirsty and I left my flask at Riverrun. I looked to my dagger, blood dripping off. I remembered the dreams and remembered the taste.
"No," I told myself wiping the blood off with some loose cloth. Then came the other dagger, I saw the red crimson liquid drip, drip off onto the forest floor.
"Oh look a piece of Lannister is still left," I saw a piece of meat still skewered, "Why not."
I ran my tongue across the blade and bit into the flesh. My thirst subsided, but not before another feeling replaced it, craving. Craving for more meat, more blood.

Sorry for the shorter chapter. But I hope y'all enjoy it.

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