Old Walder's Bridge

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  We arrived at The Twins early morning. The castle stretched over the river and wasn't as grand as I imagined. See House Frey made themselves wealthy by making it costly to cross using their bridge. Of course war was plentiful in Westeros so one would think the Frey would have been a bit better off.
  "Well are we going to stand here just starring at it or are we going to cross?" I ask Robb a little impatiently.
  "Yes sister but mother is worried about me going to talk to Walder," he replies.
  "Well I mean mum is rather correct in this. See if they are already aligned with Lord Tywin we're screwed. So sending in the head of our whole army isn't the greatest idea," I tell him agreeing with mum.
  "So mum what's the plan who going to talk to the old bridge troll?" Robb jokingly asks. Me and the burly northern lord, whose real name is Jon Umber, stifle a giggle. It appears Robb hasn't lost his sense of humor.
  "I'll go me and Walder grew up together he'd never hurt me," mother tells us.
  "Now Lady Catelyn you can't be to sure about that," Lord Umber tells mum. I shake my head in agreement.
  "Lord Umber and Katherine are right you can't go see him alone," Robb tells mother.
"No! I will go. I will not risk your sisters and father. Like I said Lord Frey wouldn't harm me," mother scolds me and Robb. I forgot how stern mother could be. Made me remember that she grew up in the bloodiest land in all of Westeros, that she was a Tully after all.
"Alright mother but please take some reinforcement with you," I told her. She and a lord rode off to negotiate with the Vulture of The Twins.
  "Well now that's all said and done I say we prepare camp," I tell Robb as I turn my horse around.
  "You heard the Lady make camp!" Lord Jon Umber boomed at the men. We had come to a mutual respect. He respected my skill with bows and daggers and I respected his experience.
  "Kat. Do you think mother will be alright?" Robb asked as he caught up to me with Theon in tow.
  "Yes, I believe so. Though if Walder harms her I will personally shot down his whole house and burn The Twins to rubble," I told him retaining my calm expression with a hint of a smile.
  "Okay," Robb responded from his facial expression he looked kind of scared at my threat. Good.
I starred at the Twins from the top of a tree waiting to see mother's horse. After about an hour or two she arrived with a sore expression.
What happened in that meeting.
I dismounted from the tree and rush to the war tent.
"Mother has returned and it doesn't look good," I burst in.
"Is she hurt?" Robb stands up ready to defend mother.
"No she just appears to be in a sour mood. I think that old crone, Frey, may have given her a bad deal," I tell him in response.
"Katherine good you're here. I was afraid I'd have to go searching for you," mother walks up behind me and enters the tent making me jump.
"So will Lord Frey let us cross?" Robb asks while I hold a wolf piece ready to move it across the river.
"Yes but, you will marry one of his daughters and let one of his younger boys become your squire. He expects a knighthood in due time. Katherine, you will marry his eldest son," mother makes a face that tells me exactly what I wanted to know he isn't a good looker.
"Did any of his girls?" Robb hesitatingly asks and I side eye him.
"One but not by much," mother responds.
"Well that's that. I say we leave at dawn before those urchins have time to rise," I say to the lords, "And don't worry Robb I'm sure she so incredibly pretty or at least she will be compared to you,"
"You little," Robb starts before mother gives a stern look reminding both of us we are no longer children.
"I agree with Lady Katherine if we cross at dawn that will put us closer to Jaime Lannister and freeing the Riverlands," Lord Umber backs up my idea and also breaking the silence.

This was a quick little chapter to do and the next one should be out in a quick minute(within the next week or so) so leave comments and any suggestions you might have I am a little stuck on whether Katherine should go south or stay north after she turns. So leave your suggestion( no Daenerys meetups I don't think Katherine is ready for that).

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