The Stag in the Wolf's Den

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I find Sansa and escort her to the courtyard slightly out of breath.
"What's with the rush Katherine!" Sansa demands. I keep running and say, "Baratheons and Lannisters are here,"
I rush her to mother and stand beside Robb, who looks a tad angry.
"Put a smile on your face or mother and father will have no mercy," I say without making eye contact.
"Where's Arya? Katherine I told you to get her," mother asks.
"Oh seven.." I start. Then I see shiny helmet atop a smile I instantly recognize.
"Mother," I point to Arya. She motions for Arya to come forward. She comes running and father yanks to helmet off her head and look tosses it to me and I put it behind me.
The first comes a soldier glad in golden armor, Jaime Lannister, if I had to guess. Then Joffrey who firsts studies Sansa and me. Robb looks a me and I at him and I drape my hair over my chest. Little rat.
"Where's the imp?" I here Arya ask.
"Shut up," Sansa responds. 
Then comes the Hound and the Royal Carriage. When the carriage stops the King, Robert Baratheon, trots in on his horse. First father bows and everyone follows suit. I turn to Robb and mouth, it'll be fine.
Robert gets off his horse with a staircase and fast walks to father. He motions with his fingers to rise.
"You've gotten fat," he states. Look who's talking. Apparently father and I had the same thought as he looks Robert up and down and lifts one brow.
"Come here," Robert laughs they embrace and he walks to mother.
"Cat," he hugs her and she hugs back. He walks toward me and Robb.
"You must be Robb," he shakes his hand.
"Katherine the princess without a prince," he looks at me and I smile.
"Pretty one," He tells Sansa, "What's your name?" he asks
"Arya," she responds.
He tells Bran to show him his muscles and says he'll be a soldier.
The golden knight takes of his helm and sure enough it's Jaime Lannister.
"That's Jaime Lannister the queen's twin brother," Arya states.
Queen and her younger blood exit the carriage and walks to father.
"Ned show me to the crypt I want to pay my respects," he tells father.
"The dead can wait can't they my king?" Cersei tells her husband.
"Ned to the crypt," Robert ignores his wife.

P.S I know Katherine's dress in the picture isn't from the correct time period but for we can just suspend disbelief for this story. Thx for reading and please leave feedback.

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