King of The North

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News of father's death had come and gone. The troops rather than fall into despair rallied themselves behind Robb.
So much so they threw a feast.
As the evening came to a close, something about Prince Renly was mentioned.
"Yes the Prince who would be King," I piped up jesting about Renly.
"Don't forget Joffery and Stannis," Robb interjected.
"Yes and King Balon Greyjoy," Mother told us.
"If their all calling themselves king why can't we have a king," Lord Umber spoke up.
"What do you suggest Lord Umber?" I leaned to the side.
"Simple. I name Robb Stark King of the North!" Lord Umber words boomed through me. I was struck in awe.
Mother and I had the same expression.
"I accept Lord Umber," Robb answered the statement. Suddenly everyone was chanting,
"King of the North!"
I was just floored. Sure I was happy for Robb after all he was destined to inherit Winterfell.
Though something stirred inside that wasn't happy.
The feast and Robb sudden and sequential coronation came and gone.
We still had a war to win, and a family to make whole again.
Me and mother decided we might get something about Tywin from his son. We walk over to his cell where he wallows in mid and his own blood.
"You come to gloat or this time are you actually going to kill me," Jaime quips making me clench my fist and the hilt of a dagger.
"No, and if I were here to kill you I wouldn't bring my mother," I tell him.
"I want to know something," mother's eyes had no compassion only anger just breaking the surface.
"What happened to my son?" Mother went off script which made me look at her in disbelief.
"I pushed him," Jaime seeing as he was probably going to die confessed. But he cleverly left out why, my guess is that we might keep him alive.
It worked and he remained in his makeshift cell.

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