Bran's would be Assassin

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"Will he ever wake Robb?" I ask about Bran he's been in a coma since the day the Lannisters arrived. He was such a impressive climber. He climbed these walls everyday and never fell. What makes it all the better is that he doesn't remember any of the seconds before he fell.
"The Maester said he may wake but mother has been there for him everyday," he responds walking with me to Bran's room.
"Rickon needs his mother he's six and doesn't understand what's going on in the world around him," I respond standing in front of him blocking his path.
"I'll try to convince her to see Rick but it won't be easy. Mother is practically glued to him," he sternly states.
"Robb, Katherine come in," mother beckons us from the door frame.
"Malady there is many appointments that need the utmost care and concern," the maester starts.
"I'll handle the appointments," Robb intervenes.
"As will I," I follow suit.
"Yes Milord and Milady," the maester says his goodbyes and exits the room.
"When's the last time you left this room," I ask mother from the other side of Bran's bed.
"He needs me," she argues.
"He'll live the maester said the worst has passed," Robb buts in by the window.
"What if he's wrong Bran needs me," she continues.
"Rickon needs you he's six," Robb starts
"Like he said the boy is six he doesn't have the brightest clue about what's going on," I try to convince her.
"He follows me around clung to my hip crying his eyes out," Robb states sadness swells in his voice as he opens the window. The howls of wolves fill the room. They are haunting to some, to me they provide a melody that is synonymous with my home.
"Would you shut the window make them stop!" Mother demands tears welling up in her eyes.
As he goes to shut the window he stops oddly.
"Fire, mother stay here," Robb announces.
"What about me?" I ask with a hinge of fear.
"Your coming with me come on," Robb answers me.
We run out the door. Robb run and me trying to keep up. Suddenly I hear mother followed by a growl.
"Mother!" I barge into the door and see an assassin with a chunk taken out of his neck, and a dire wolf precariously laying beside Bran with a bloody snout.
"Good girl," I say to the beast, "Mother are you alright?"
"Yes I'm fine just some cuts on my hands," she shows me.
"I'll fetch the maester," I tell her before leaving again.
"Grand Maester Lady Catelyn needs your medical attention," I run down the Winterfell halls.
"Milady what is with the yelling," I bump into the maester.
"Mother has been hurt she's in little Bran's room go she needs help she's been cut," I tell him in half panic.
Who would want my little brother in a coma especially since the little pup is in a coma. Who ever it was they will wish that they suffered the same fate as their assassin.

So sorry for not updating sooner I had other things and I am really sorry for sort of pushing Bran and Rickon out of the story. I also apologize for the short chapter but leave your thoughts and don't forget to vote.😄

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