The Medic and the General

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The medic had arrived at dawn and was immediately at work. She was tough not like most of the ladies of Westeros she didn't flinch at gore or anything else in that matter.
"You medic where are you from?" I ask eating an apple from a tent I raided.
"Volantis and if you'd be kind milady I need some assistance?" She asks back.
"I'll help he's my man," Robb jogs up and helps pin down a soldier.
"So what's your name Volantis girl?" I ask while she starts cutting off the soldier's leg and Robb is busy making lovey eyes at her.
"Talisa," she answers.
"Thank you and I'll leave you two to your amputation," I walk away throwing the apple remains behind me as a walk away.
Robb has fallen head over heals for Talisa of Volantis let's hope it ends well.
After the wounded was tended too and Talisa long gone I ordered a meeting with my brother.
"Hey!" I snap my fingers, "Stop daydreaming about Talisa. Don't deny it cause I've seen this exact face from you many times before."
"But she's perfect," Robb protests.
"You're to wed a Frey or did that slip your mind during you and Talisa's chat over amputation," I fire back.
If he hadn't sent mother off this would be so much easier.
"Lady Katherine we found something when we searched their supplies," a soldier comes up to me and points to the men currently holding a cage covered with a blanket.
"Grrrrgggg," I heard Greywind what ever is in there he doesn't like it.
"Remove the covering," I order while Robb calms Greywind.
In the cage was two shadowcat cubs.
"What should we do with them your grace?" The soldier asks.
"Kill then and skin them," Robb tells them.
"Belay that! Bring them to my tent," I tell the soldiers while starring daggers at Robb.
"What are you going to do with two shadowcat cubs?" Robb painfully asks.
"Train them, I once read of a northerner who used a shadowcat in war. He could slaughter 100 men with that cat. I hope to beat that," I walk away following the soldiers.

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