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It was a rainy night and Robb has his troops around a well defended Lannister encampment.
Two guards are on duty yapping about something to do with Renly and Loras.
Robb gives me a nod as I toss a small rock to spook the horses slightly as he sends out Grey Wind.
One of the guards lets one rip and scares the other before taking a bathroom break.
I see Grey Wind before he does. His screams are the signal.
"For Ned Stark!" I yell charging ahead. I brandish my daggers and cut the horses loose. I ditch my horse and come face to face with a soldier.
He charges at me and I slide under him and plant a knife in his ankle.
I pull it from his ankle and plant another in his back before slicing his throat. One I can only assume knew him personally saw me open up his throat and yell before drawing his sword.
I stand ready then Lady Mormont guts him with her great axe.
"Thanks," I curtsy to her.
"Milady," Lady Mormont earns me, but before she could finish I spun around and drove my dagger into the side of a soldier's neck.
My crimson smile was the last thing he saw as he chocked on his own blood. I withdrew my dagger to find Lord Umber in a huddle of Lannister men.
"Lady Mormont," I point with my dagger and me both take off. Two guardsmen rush us and half us momentarily. With a dodge and an skull crushing blow with her axe Lady Mormont dispatches the guardsmen. I slice mine across the gut and shove my second dagger behind his chin.
We take off again and reach the Lord Umber. Lady Mormont swings wildly pairing well with Lord Umbers great sword.
I jump on a soldier's shoulders and jab him repeatedly until he falls over.
A soldier stands in front of me and misses the kill shot. With that I plant my left dagger in his gut and thrust it upwards gutting him and give him a quick kick to dislodge my blade. Another soldier charges me and I grapple him and make an x in his throat. Lord Umber helps me up and cups his hands giving me a boost. I launch myself into the air. I land on a soldier next to Robb putting daggers in his skull and spine. I swing my legs tripping a soldier and when he's on the ground I here Robb.
"Drop your weapon you're out numbered," he tells the man on the ground.
"Never I will never..." I cut him off stabbing his heart. I withdraw and Robb pulls me away.
"What was that?" Robb let's me go.
"That was war, if your not used to it by now scurry back to Winterfell with your tail between your legs," I yank my arm away.
"What about mercy!" yells after me.
"Did they show our men mercy, would they have shown us mercy? No," I tell him planting my dagger in a nearby table.
"The medic has arrived," Lady Mormont finds me and Robb.
"The men need to be in top shape to fight Lord Tywin," I leave to find this medic.

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