Father's been arrested for Treason

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A few days after Bran was almost assassinated he woke from his coma. The Imp, Tyrion Lannister, had even made instructions on how to make Bran a saddle to ride. Mother finally paid Rickon some much needed attention. But the joy did not last.

"No. No!" I exclaimed reading the letter from King's Landing. The Grand Maester had just recently informed Robb, and me about our father's imprisonment.

"You are expected in King's Landing my lord to pledge allegiance King Joffrey," the maester tells Robb. I am livid with anger at the though of Winterfell pledging allegiance to sick, twisted, rat that they call king.
"Fine Robb will go to Winterfell but not alone we'll bring an army," my words seemed resonate with both Robb and the maester.

"Milady with all do respect that is a decision only the Lord can make," the maester tells me.

"Gather the bannermen," Robb states agreeing with me, "They've all pledged loyalty to my father now lets test it,"

Yes my Lord," the maester responds and walks away leaving only Robb, Theon, and me.

"Are you scared?" Theon asked rather sly. Got to admit some of the only words that haven't made me want to turn him to dire-wolf lunch. Robb pulls a hand from his side it's shaking like he's a scared child.

"Can't say I'm not," Robb replied. I tilted my head as Theon barely smiled.

"Good means your not stupid," Theon states. Clever move Greyjoy. You may be more than a horn dog, for once.

"So Robb will you march to King's Landing with me at your side or will I be left here?" I looked Robb in the eye and smiled deviously.

"Katherine you are my sister and I would never let anyone hurt you, but you are the best archer and scout in the North so I would never march without you," Robb tells me holding my chin and grinning from ear to ear. I ram a fist into his gut and grin like Arya when she flung pie at Sansa.

"That was for making me think you'd leave me here," I cross my arms and walk away. Ready to put holes in the Lannister army. The ravens flooded from the rafters in all directions. Hearing them lets me know war is arriving.


Mother had told me and Robb that she would travel to house Tully, her father's house. She had notion that I would stay with her away from the war at hand. When I had heard of these notions I had to tell her the truth.

"Katherine, my dear you should be packing for our stay at your grandfather's house," mother told me. I wanted to hold my tongue but I knew that would hurt her more.

"Mother I will not be staying with you with House Tully. I will be fighting with Robb," I told her hesitantly.

"You will not! I have already lost your father to those Lions I will not risk loosing you and Robb!" she returned tears welling in her eyes.

"Mother I will not stand idlily by why the Lannisters capture my father, hold my sisters hostage, and threaten my homeland!" I exclaimed to her tears welling my eyes as well. She couldn't stop her tears from streaming down her face.

"My Katherine you have always been head strong and you always find your own way no matter what stands in front of you. You where my first born daughter my little one, you where Winterfell's princess. You also where a little archer and you fought for many years with Robb. In those fights your father saw a wolf and so he had you trained. So you will fight with Robb by your side for your family," she kissed me on the head as she finished and I dried her tears and held back my own.

I left her room and soon thoughts flooded my mind. I started to get terrified about the impending war. I sat in my room cradled holding my head trying to calm my mind. I heard footsteps and regained composure or as best I could.

"The servants have told me you have been held up here since talking to mother," Robb started, "Katherine if you are having second thoughts about being in the fight then you can stay. But, I dare say my sister Katherine would not forgive you,"

Those words silenced the thoughts raging in my mind. Get up Katherine, you are better than this. That family have arrested your father, and they now hold his and your precious little sister's life in you hand. They will not take them from me. I will kill every soldier that stands between me and my family.

"No Robb I'm not letting you bend the knee to any king and no southerner to hold a northerner captive. No Stark will every again suffer under any other house. Winter is coming, our house motto but it will become a phrase that will strike fear in all who say it in the south," I buried my fear and replaced it with rage. A rage that Winterfell had only seen with Rickon's wolf Shaggydog.

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