Lord Bolton

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It was a relatively peaceful day at our encampment. We had moved early that morning and were now firmly settled. I had killed a buck to feed my recently acquired shadow cats. They were still small but old enough to eat meat. I wandered into camp with the deer slung over my shoulders to meet Lord Bolton.
He had been present for a few days before the last battle. He gave Robb some guidance not that he really needed it, in my opinion.
"Lady Katherine have you named those two cats of yours?" He asked surprisingly not mentioning the deer slung over my shoulders.
"Yes I have actually Visenya and Rheanys. Lord Bolton if you could open my tent," I replied kindly.
"Why yes," he started I could hear more coming on, "If milady would not mind me asking why do you do these things?"
"What things are you talking about. If you're referring to hunting I must feed my shadow cats if I want them to live," I tell him setting the deer on a table in my tent.
"I understand that but what about the killing?" Lord Bolton surprised me a little only a little though.
"Why because they killed my father and have my sisters," I pull out a skinning knife, "And because I wanted to. Is that all Lord Bolton."
"Yes milady," he leaves and I begin skinning the deer.
It was a day later when mother had returned.
She returned with a woman named Brienne of Tarth. Brienne was tall bigger than a lot of the soldiers.
"Mother so happy to have you home," I run up to her not fully hugging her cause of the blood on my hands from a hare I turned into cat chow.
"What's with your hands Katherine?" Mother asks holding them.
"Actually that's what I wanted to show you," I tell her motioning her to follow me.
We walked through the encampment and Brienne was getting all kinds of looks from the soldiers.
"Well here they are?" I open the tent to show mother and Brienne, "Ahh!" Visenya leaps towards me and tries to lick some rabbit blood from my face.
"Get away from those things," Mother puts her hand on my shoulder. I turn around and hold Visenya towards mother.
"What exactly do you have two shadow cat cubs for Lady Katherine if you don't my me asking?" Brienne asks not flinching unlike mother who had Rheanys purring around her ankle and was shaking like a southerner during winter.
"I don't mind and I plan to train them sure it might take a few but when they're grown they'll be a force on the battle field. You don't have to call me milady just Katherine will do," I respond setting down Vis and picking up Rheanys so mother can move.
"I leave for a few days and you adopt these," mother scolded me.
"Milady Catelyn if I may defend Katherine I do believe she can use them. See a man who's name I can't remember once turned the tide of battle with one. With two Katherine could win any outright fight," Brienne defends me and I throw mom a sly brow.
"Aside from the shadows I need to talk to you and Robb. Do you wonder why I left Renly so early?" She tells me and I realize Renly is dead. I put down the Rheanys and walk out with mother and Brienne leading them towards Robb.

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