Getting My Ass Kicked

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"Ughhh!" My back slams into the gods-wood ground, "Did you have to slam me into the ground so fucking hard, you bastard."
My daggers were not in hand one was stuck in a random tree and the other was knocked across the yard.
"When one rushes another at full force, but lacking in their balance they can be easily thrown around," Lord Umber stretched out his arm to help me off the ground. I suddenly got an idea.
He leaned down slightly with his extended arm but I swatted his arm away with a kick. The first kick was not intended to damage just unsettle. It did that as a second kick slide across the ground towards his ankles. It connected like a warhammer hitting a hard breastplate. I followed my momentum, something I noticed he always managed to do, and our positions were switched. Now I was standing and he was in the dirt.
"And when one tries to be chivalrous in the heat of combat one gets knocked on their ass," I laughed. I fetched my daggers letting Lord Umber pick himself up.
We continued to train till sunset. Lord Umber managed to always best me. At first he redirected my momentum slinging me from one end of the godswood to another. I felt like Bran when he tried to train against Robb or Jon. On the other hand Lord Umber's wooden great sword connected with my arms, legs, sternum, and even head more than I can remember.
"If I get my hands on the fucking sword I'm breaking it," I groaned again from the ground.
"Well that'll have to wait because as fun as watching this is I need to talk to Lord Umber," Robb chuckled from the edge of the godswood.
"When the hell did you get here?" I asked rolling onto my stomach. I also noticed Talisa stood next to him.
"About the third time Lord Umber knocked you on your ass," Talisa joined in laughing. I picked myself up and walked over to Robb and his wife.
"Alright since you think me getting my ass kicked is entertaining why don't you and I go a round," I poked out my hip, which caused pain to shoot down my leg.
Robb noticed.
"If you want to be knocked on your ass some more then sure," Robb smiled.
"Alright then a good sibling duel," Lord Umber boomed with laughter.
"Till first blood," I announced with a smile.
"Okay then no cats," Robb crossed him arms smiling back.
"Those lazy beasts are currently stalking the grounds, but if you insist I'll restrain from calling them." I turn away and walk towards the sword rack Lord Umber made some soldiers set up, "But in the spirit of fair play no Greywind."
"Deal," Robb took some steps forward, "To first blood then."
Robb drew his sword and I yanked a braavosi blade from the rack.
"Yes," I sprang forward and steel clashed steel. Momentum from my charge was halted by Robb's heavier stance. Robb kicked me away but I managed to land on my feet. Sword at the ready I turn my side towards Robb. I walk backwards practically balancing on my toes ready for Robb's advance.
He charged with a single step followed by swing of his longsword. I leapt backwards onto my hands allowing my body to swing under his sword as he swung. My feet flew upward and even managed to connect with his face knocking him almost to the ground. Seeing Robb lowered I pounce forward tackling him drawing a dagger mid flight.
Robb was stronger and managed to halt the blade before it grazed his cheek.
"Not yet sister," Robb managed to overpower me and turn the dagger against me. Now I was on my back as we rolled again. I planted my knees into his chest and even a foot into his gut before he weakened his grip. Robb faulted slightly in his grip giving me a small window.
I slammed my forehead into his nose and drew blood.
"I win," I kick Robb away to the side before I offered him a hand up. He took it and drug me onto the ground with him. He managed to drew a small knife in dragging me and just barely scratched my cheek.
"Draw!" He smiled which then cause me to smile back.
"With all respect my lord, Katherine won by first blood," Lord Umber stood over both of us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2023 ⏰

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