Another Dream

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I gave the cats some venison from my last hunt and when they had their fill we all went to sleep.
I was in a dark forest, orange light just at the forest's edge. From the light I heard laughter and muffled words. But I wasn't interested in that the darkness of the forest beaconed me to delve even farther into the forest. And I gave in, began to creep throughout the darkness, my domain.
I heard in the forest, something missed their step. I turned towards the sound with one thought in mind; Hunt. I felt my muscles burn with adrenaline. They tightened as I crouched, a scent filled my nose as I got closer to the ground. An intoxicating scent one of fear. I began to stalk and twist my way towards the sound. Under branches, over rocks, and through thorns. Until I reached it. The end of the darkness, the orange light.
It seemed to draw a line in the night. One that frightened me, but I wasn't interested in what ever lye inside said light.
They misplaced their step again, and this time it was deeper in the darkness. I returned to stalking and then I found a snapped twig. I lean in and sniff it; leather, metal, sweat, and most prominent fear. I followed the aroma as it went farther in. It seemed to not go far from the orange light.
"Hey, John come back!" I heard someone yell.
"Aight!" A voice further down returned. I darted into the bushes and underbrush.
I waited for a few minutes before I heard another SNAP. This one was closer, a lot closer.
A man with a torch walked towards me, from the light I saw red armor. At the sight of the armor I flared with rage and let out a roar before leaping from the brush.
"Ahhhhhh!" He screamed but I was louder. We both fell to the ground. My jaws found his throat and silenced him, permanently.
"John!" The other voice yelled out. He came running in, no doubt another Lannister scout. I released another roar that shook the heavens. Now I sprinted towards him, ready for the kill. My feet bounding against the cool earth. I was upon him in less than half a minute. He saw me and drew his sword, but I wasn't even bothered. I pounced on him like I did his comrade. He tried to fight me off, but in the struggle he lost his helmet. Leaving his bald temple shining in the moon light.
He no longer moved now laid still. Still holding onto his head I drug him towards his friend John. I released him and was preparing to feed, when I saw the dire wolf across their metal chests.
I woke in a cold sweat second time, great.
"Katherine!" Robb burst into my tent, though his eyes scan for the cats. They merely sat beside my bed.
"Two of the men, come see," Robb calms his tone.
We walk out my tent and towards the two bodies laid on ground.
"Greywind found them early this morning," Lord Umber came up beside me.
"What do you suppose, Lannisters?" I guess, though the truth is I was panicking on the inside. My dream from last night ran on a loop through my mind.
"No. Lannisters wouldn't rip out his throat or leave bite marks on this ones skull," Robb answers me.
"Well I can assure you Rhenays and Visenya would not hurt anyone without my permission," I calm my nerves and give a whistle making Rhenays and Visenya come out of the tent, "See."
"We did think a shadowcat at first but the sheer size suggests something like a bear," Lord Bolton tells us. My mind races to the night I spent in the woods and the great beast I saw.
"Whatever killed these men give them a proper burial, we have to go to our Grandfather's funeral," Robb say sternly, "But if this becomes an issue I want it dealt with."
I walk away with Robb who let the fear sink in.
"Hey you are the future of our house, and your our general. There is no room for doubt," I walk away from him leaving him with my advice.

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