It was the dead of night, a lone female figure lite by the light of the moon and stars ran through the undergrowth, a cloak hides her face and two tiny bundles are held tightly to her chest. She suddenly stopped her breathing heavy her eyes dancing trying to get her bearings, she had one chance at this and it had to be done now, she had no choice, they were in danger and their lives, her own and that of all were in jeopardy.
A sudden ear-piercing howl broke through the silence and a shiver went down her spine, "they know" she breathed. Hitching the two bundles up a little she took off, she ran, she ran so hard her legs were burning and her chest felt like it was on fire, more howls rang out into the nights air, she picked up speed, she knew she had to act fast, her sent must be in the air by now and they would easily be able to catch up to her, she knew where she needed to go and it wasn't that far.
Suddenly she slipped down a hill, the two bundles flew out of her hands and she crashed into the ice cold water, "CCCCCRRRRAAAAAPPPP" her clothes stuck to her body which slowed her down, she kept stumbling as her feet sunk down into the mud, she was frantically searching the mud and water for the two bundles she had in her arms, panic stared to kick in as she frantically tried to move her body against the mud and water.
The howls were getting closer, if she doesn't get out of this bog soon, she will be caught, "where are they, "where are they.........."
A noise, a small snuffle noise, coming from behind a group of reeds caught her attention, she trudged over and found her bundles both safe and sound and dry as a bone, "there you are" she cooed.
She finally pulled herself out of the bog and set off, the night had taken its toll on her and she had slowed down, she entered the forest as branches snapped and twigs broke under her feet she knew it wouldn't be long before they came her way, howls erupted again and she could feel the earth pound and shake beneath her feet, she knew she didn't have long.
She finally came into a clearing, a blue pool lay in front of her and there was her destination a waterfall, its cascading crystal-clear water mesmerised her and soothed her pounding heart and head. A howl broke her out of her trance and she ran towards the falls, she scrambled behind it and found a small cave "so it's true, there is a way" she whispered, "now to make sure they can't follow" she placed the bundles carefully on the floor and held up her hands towards the cascading water in front of her "PALLIOZELI" she sang, a bright light flashed before her and a glass wall came up from the bottom of the waterfall blocking her from sight, just as a snout came through the water and took a deep sniff, she held her breath hoping the spell had worked. For what seemed like an eternity the snout moved and sniffed through the waterfall and then finally disappeared.
She gasped for breath as she hadn't realised that she was holding it for so long. "Finally," she whispered. She turned around and carefully picked up the two bundles, she looked at their faces "you will have a life filled with love and laughter, you will make your parents and I proud, you will be the savours of us all" they both smiled back at her and her heart filled with warmth. She started to the back of the cave looking for a tunnel, but there was nothing, frustrated she sat down and rested her head against the wall, she suddenly remembered a spell she was taught when she was a girl "it might just work" she had no choice, she placed the bundles carefully down on the floor, she turned to the wall and placed her hand on it, she spoke "PATENTIBUS" there was a large cracking sound and dust and debris flew into the air engulfing her, she quickly grabbed the bundles and pushed them towards her chest so they wouldn't breath in any of the dust, when the area cleared there stood a tunnel a way through, a way to their salvation.
She walked into the tunnel and looked down at the bundles, "this is the start of everything" she kissed their foreheads "let's go girls" and with a flick of her hand she spoke "PROPE" and the wall closed.
Hey my lovely readers please don't forget to vote for this story, also any comments would be very much appreciated. xxxxx

Lupita - The Beginning
WerewolfTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...