It had been a couple of days since the little incident with Hunter, Tash hadn't left Blues side, she had been avoiding Hunter like the plague and Tash had also been avoiding Titan even though Blue said he hadn't done anything wrong.
Tash sighed "Tash for god sake will you just go and talk to him your sighing is giving me a headache...please Tash he hasn't done anything, he didn't reject you...he actually loves you Tash..." Tash put her hand up to stop Blue from talking.
"he did nothing Blue, after you walked out he did nothing, he didn't apologise he just said, what do you expect she's a witch and then he walked out....he walked out on me....on us, if he loved me the way you say he does then he wouldn't have left me would he"
Blue saw Tash's eye flash red, she knew not to push her on the subject, they were sat on the settee in their room, just watching TV and talking to one another, there was a knock at their door and Emily's head popped round, she smiled and pushed the door open to reveal Freyja, Tash growled which earned her a growl back from Freyja.
Tash and Freyja were a little pee'd off with one another, Freyja was close to Titan and Hunter, she could forgive Blue as she believed Hunter was completely out of order and she had punched him in the face for it, but Tash she just walked out on Titan and she saw the aftermath of it, both were stubborn sods, but she was particularly pissed at Tash. They hadn't locked horns since the party where she had had a few words for Tash and she had been avoiding her ever since. They both growled at each other again.
Emily and Blue said in unison.
"well since that awkward reunion is out of the way...we are here for a reason..." Emily smiled at Tash and Blue "Freyja has agreed to train us...."
"TRAIN??????????" both Tash and Blue said
"yes train, Mercy said that we needed to train to get stronger and hopefully get a grip of our abilities..." Tash and Blues eyes went wide and glared at Emily, "what the hell Emily" Blue said through clenched teeth, they both looked at Freyja, who looked extremely bored.
Freyja huffed "I know"
"you know?"
"I know EVERYTHING..."
"OOOOOOHHHHHHH" both Tash and Blue said
Emily looked down and blushed "we are mates I can't keep anything from her" Freyja grinned and pulled Emily towards her and kissed her on her cheek.
Tash jumped up "fine when do we start" she said with a grin.
"we can start now, get dressed and be outside in 10" with that she kissed Emily again and walked away.
"urgh this is going to hurt isn't it" Blue sighed
Blue gasped for air as Freyja came at her again, she was dodging her blows, but was getting tired, sweat dripped down her face and it was getting harder for her to breath.
They had been at it now for the last 2 hours, she could see Tash and Emily breathing heavy and sweating they looked exhausted, whereas Freyja looked like she had just gone for a light jog down the road and back, god she was a cruel taskmaster, she had them running drills and now she was obviously trying to kill them.
Freyja caught Blue off guard and smashed her fist into Blues side, she flew through the air and landed with a thud. She let out a cry as she felt something crack, she propped herself up as she tried to suck air into her lungs.
Tash came running over to Blue "Blue you ok?..Blue speak to me..."
"I said this was going to hurt" Blue said through gritted teeth
Tash laughed as Freyja jogged over to them, she knelt down and whispered "pull yourself together we have an audience and they happened to be both your mates" she wiggled her eyebrows, Blue looked at Tash and smiled. Tash looked over Blues shoulder and saw a shirtless Titan, Hunter and another man whom she hadn't met before.
"all eyes are on us" Tash whispered to Blue
"right it's time to show the boys what they are missing" Tash looked really confused
"follow my lead Tash" she winked
Blue stood up shook out her neck and then proceeded to take her top off to reveal her sports crop top, which left nothing to the imagination, she was also wearing skin tight black and pink sports leggings, she stretched her arms above her head seemingly to stretch out and then she bent right over and touched her toes, Tash looked back at the boys "oooooo well that worked" she whispered to Blue.
Blue looked up, her ass still up in the air and looked back, what she saw made her heart swell and her lady parts burn, there stood Hunter without a shirt on in all his sweaty glory, his eyes filled with lust and longing, his teeth gritted together and his knuckles were white. She snapped up, turned and gave Hunter a wink and a wave, his eyes went wide and he blushed, OH MY GOD did he just blush, she smiled "too cute" she whispered to herself.
Tash jumped up "did he just blush" she looked at Blue both girls giggled.
"right your turn, go get em girl" she smacked Tash's ass, Tash turned around winked at Blue and mouthed WATCH THIS, she twirled flicked her hair and sauntered towards her spot.
Freyja grinned she knew what Tash and Blue were up to, she walked over to Tash "right lets finish with a few stretching exercises Tash, Blue, Em you start running "GO, GO, GO AND EM I WANNA SEE SWEAT DRIPPING OFF THAT CUTE LITTLE FACE OF YOURS" she winked at Emily who went bright red huffed and started to run, both girls jogged passed the boys, Blue winked again at Hunter who again blushed, she chuckled as did Titan and the unknown man.
Tash pulled her top over her head to show her bright pink sports bra, she heard a growl behind her she smirked at Freyja who just rolled her eyes, "right Tash legs apart and bend forward resting your hands on the floor, this will stretch your spine and legs out" she smiled at Tash, Tash did as she said, she heard a loud growl come from behind her, she shot up, just as she turned around Titan flew at her he lifted her over his shoulder, turned and stomped towards the pack house.
Blue and Emily jogged towards Freyja, Blue laughed "well that worked like a treat" she laughed, she could hear Tash screaming "PUT ME DOWN YOU BIG FUCKING IDIOT"

Lupita - The Beginning
WerewolfTwo baby girls are rescued, smuggled away in the middle of the night and are thrown into a world without their parents to guide them, the one good thing is that they have each other, they were taken together and left together, they grew up together...